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Forgettable but fun, it is unabashedly stupid, but it does manage to entertain fairly consistently.
laughalt10 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
TWO MILLION STUPID WOMEN A film review by Steve Rhodes Copyright 2009 Steve Rhodes RATING (0 TO ****): ** 1/2 TWO MILLION STUPID WOMEN is a title guaranteed to instantly capture the attention of potential viewers and to quickly infuriate every feminist. Both groups should relax, since the film is never as provocative as its title and it insults both sexes equally, making us all look like idiots at some point during the movie. While the film is nothing special, it is nice, silly fun. As we spend the night with Melissa, Anna and Todd, three young adults in their twenties, it's hard not to have a good time as they bicker and argue like friends do. Actors Sarah Hall, Katy Stoll and Mark R. Gerson give uniformly likable readings of Melissa, Anna and Todd. The movie's setup is just about as stupid as its title, but it works in a wacky kind of way. When we meet Melissa, it is her birthday. She is excited since this is the first birthday she's had when she has a boyfriend. On previous birthdays, she was between guys. Yep, you guessed it. JT (Trevor Downie), Melissa's current squeeze, quickly becomes her ex after she walks in on him cheating on her with, in her words, "a bimbo that looks like a swizzle stick." A plan. Melissa needs a plan to deal with her addiction to failed relationships. She comes up with one, and, while it is a plan of sorts, it's a pretty weird one. She will go to all of her previous "hook-ups" and get them to tell her then and there these exact words, "You're stupid, pathetic and I should leave you alone." Not surprisingly, most of the guys who have bedded her over the years refuse to go along with her precise scripting. Along the way, she also finds out that what she thinks happened with them sometimes didn't because she was too drunk to know. Forgettable but fun, TWO MILLION STUPID WOMEN is unabashedly stupid, but it does manage to entertain fairly consistently. TWO MILLION STUPID WOMEN runs a bit too long at 1:42.
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This movie is stupid and pathetic and should leave you alone
Magickan-214 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, basically that phrase will be what you hear in this movie half of the time, the dialogs suck, the acting (especially of the main role) sucks. It's not funny because it's unbelievably predictable, the shrieking voice paired with the bad acting gave me headache after 20 minutes into the movie but I actually watched it to the end because I was hoping for a psychopathic mass murder to enter the club scene and just shoot everyone down, because that for me would've been the only good outcome of this movie and a reasonable explanation for the ratings it has received before I watched it, they were the reason I gave it a real chance and I hate the people who rated it for making me watch this really really really really bad movie. Don't watch it. Just don't.
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Fun little indie movie.
shezebelle11 July 2011
You know why I like this movie? The three leads are completely adorable and charming and the the story and dialog are not conventional Hollywood schlock.

The whole story reminded me of dumb situations I got into with friends that were painful and awkward at the time, but completely hilarious in the retelling later. Watching the situation unfold for the characters was both painful and giggle-inducing: my favorite flavor of comedy!

Yes, it's a low-budget, independent movie and there are production elements I could nit-pick. But I won't, because I was so tickled by it. If you liked "Bridesmaids," you'll love this movie.
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Not a big slick production...starts a bit slow, but worth it in the end. A quality indy
mg9218823 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for a typical slick big budget Hollywood romcom, you should look elsewhere. This was a true indy film with very basic or 'indy' production value and mostly unknown (but luckily talented) actors. It starts a bit slowly and the main plot is a bit on the ridiculous side, but the characters are fun and brought to life, the film really picks up towards the end - with real comedy and some great moments where I found myself rooting for the leads.

Its a bit a new take on romantic comedies sort of in the 'mumblecore' vein. Lots of dialogue but performances pull it off in a believable way. I like to give credit to real indy films when they grab and entertain me, this one did. Seems as though indy films have to be about sex or extreme horror or violence to get noticed these days. While the title of this film makes it sound very controversial, it doesn't really include either of these things. But I still think its worthy of a bigger audience than some big budget Hollywood stuff I've seen recently.

A high quality indy film, hope to see more work from the director and actors in the future. If you are a fan of quality indy films with fresh faces, you'll like this.
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A really fun indie film with heart and great friendships.
myra-gilfix20 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film at the Cinequest Film Festival. It was recently released on DVD, and I had occasion to see it again. At first, I felt that I was giving it an excellent rating because it was an independent film, with all the extra obstacles that indies face. But when I saw it again, I felt it genuinely deserved my rating. I've watched many films that had theatrical release that had far less to recommend them. This film actually had a fresh take on the romantic comedy/friendship genre. The dialogue was realistic among friends. (My only disappointment was that the backstory of the friendships was not a little better developed -- and it could have been as simple as a photo montage at the beginning.) It started out a bit slow, but by the time the three characters were fully "in" with the plan, I was totally absorbed. At first it was almost too zany, but as the evening continued, the characters' relationships became fully 3-dimensional. The acting of the three main characters was far better than that of a lot of established "stars." Each played her/his role in a believable and --ultimately--sympathetic way. Refreshing to see incredibly talented (unknown - so far) actors, and a very enjoyable film! Totally recommended.
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Ignore the lame title, watch it for complicated friendships
dannorder17 July 2024
I suspect the title of the film turns off a lot of people who would otherwise love it. It's not out to bash women, or men, or even people in general. It's just pointing out that people devoted to the hookup culture make bad decisions. It also points out that people trying to play it safe and make the smart decisions can make bad choices too. The three main characters are best friends, and their devotion to each other is admirable, even when there are times when they are pretty upset with each other. The main plot is that Melissa discovers she is being cheated on in the middle of what's supposed to be her drunken birthday celebration. She decides to go through a ritual to get bad men out of her life by confronting them about how they all think she is pathetic. Best friends Anna and Todd are along for the ride, serving as designated driver and moral support. You can tell something is up (if you haven't already) when Melissa says Todd doesn't count as a man and Anna gets flustered. I have to admit, I initially watched this just to see Katy Stoll (who plays Anna) in a movie, after remembering her from several online comedy video shorts. I knew she was capable of doing over-the-top comedy, so it was interesting to see her more restrained and realistic approach here, which fits in with the movie as a whole. The other lead characters were unknown to me but also good. Many characters are absolute scums of the earth, several are good people but flawed in various ways, and one seems uncharacteristically wise, at least when it comes to some stranger's love life. That's probably a pretty fair representation of humanity as a whole. It's worth watching to observe it all go down.
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Charming Russian doll like story.
aj111124 August 2019
What makes this movie is the story hidden inside the main story. And Katy Stoll is a gem. I hope she and all the leads get more work.
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Low Budget meets Brilliant Writing = A Real Gem
mikechinea10 December 2012
Never mind the title, here's your chance to be a fly on the wall to see Melissa (Sarah Hall), Anna (Katy Stoll) and Todd (Mark R. Gerson) go on an all-night screwball escapade trying to help Melissa fulfill a nutty and sometimes aching quest. This brilliantly written movie seemed to throw away all the Hollywood conventions and became a must see for independent cinema lovers, warts and all. Whether it's a tragedy hidden in a romantic comedy or a romantic comedy hidden in a tragedy or maybe it a sub-genre of a dark comedy I don't know and I don't care. It worked. It was great to see that even on a very limited budget the producers and director took the time to assemble a phenomenal cast and to get as much production value as possible. The sound track was perfect for the ages of the three pals cruising around trying to accomplish their crazy mission. I didn't care for the music but that's what twenty-something young adults would probably have on the radio and what would be playing at the clubs they visited. Jamie Neese did a great job directing Amy Heidish wonderful screenplay.
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