Takeru Satoh has portrayed the character of Kenshin Himura since 2012, and has been doing all his own stunts since he first took on the role
As the film was produced simultaneously alongside Rurouni Kenshin: The Final, events in the former are directly referenced in the latter, with Tomoe's brother Enishi appearing due to events that transpired in The Beginning.
It utilized a total of 6,000 extras.
Large-scale shooting for more than 7 months was carried out at 43 locations nationwide, including Kyoto, Nara, Shiga, Mie, Hyogo, Kumamoto, Hiroshima, Tochigi, Saitama, Shizuoka, Osaka, and Nagano.
At about 20 minutes the geisha Ikumatsu can be seen cleaning Katsura's ear with a ear-cleaning stick. This is a traditional Japanese way of cleaning ears. It is usually done by mothers to their children.