The Earthbound Immortal Scar-Red Nova (Red Nova in the dub) is said to be represented by the Snake Nazca Line. Initially, this was the only anime-exclusive Nazca Line, but it was discovered in 2014, 4 years after the episode that the Scar-Red Nova premiered.
It's never shown or explained why Yugi, Joey and Kaiba are missing in the series. Given that their hometown, the original Domini City, became the Sattelite Sector and extreme prejudice was implemented, its odd none of them ever fought against it.
Kaiba is sympathetic to orphans, while Joey and Yugi always stand up for those who are oppressed or threatened.
Kaiba is sympathetic to orphans, while Joey and Yugi always stand up for those who are oppressed or threatened.
Turbo Duels were created by Seto Kaiba, a main character from the original Yu-Gi-Oh Tv series.
Officer Trudge is the bully who threatened Yugi and Joey; putting this series at least 40 years in the future from the original. Plus Pegasus is confirmed dead.
Yusei fudo's foster brother Jack Atlas share's the same similarities to Seto kaiba from the original series. Both Atlas and kaiba are both rival's to two main protagonist's Jack Atlas being the rival to Yusei Fudo and Seto kaiba being the rival to Yami Yugi/Yugi Moto. both Jack Atlas's ace monster the Red Dragon Archfiend and Seto kaiba's ace monster the Blue Eyes White Dragon both share the same 3.000 attack points