Oh Mimi! what a life and what spirit. HATS OFF details the life and latter career of fashionista Mimi Waddell who became a bit player in dozens of TV shows and major films at the age of 80+. Her troubled life with her adored husband and her bemused baby boomer kids all get their say, with humor and style. Mimi is a walking style guru in herself with a bright and energetic outlook. Her motto "rise above it" becomes a mantra for the hardships and disappointments of life. Childhood and marriage photos are particularly emotionally satisfying. Her steely emotional core gets good coverage and her character and dress style, particularly hats become a clear example of how a person at 90+ can live a terrific and full and artistic life. HATS OFF overall is 84 minutes of Mimi-isms that could inspire the dullest and most jaded viewer into delight and energy. Mimi is certainly a person to be reckoned with and photographs like a woman of 50. Well worth seeing for her clothes, photos and the dozen clips from famous films and TV shows alone... the constant comments by Mimi is genuinely heartfelt and the angst detailed by her 50 year old children is revealing and poignant. Run off to see HATS OFF. You'll dance home.