Aired every Sunday night on Elhiwar Ettounsi TV, hosted by Samir El Wafi, a weekly political talk-show that consist of interviewing an active public figure on the political scene with the in... Read allAired every Sunday night on Elhiwar Ettounsi TV, hosted by Samir El Wafi, a weekly political talk-show that consist of interviewing an active public figure on the political scene with the intervention of a bunch of notable columnists as Hsen Ben Othman and Lotfi Laâmari, a contro... Read allAired every Sunday night on Elhiwar Ettounsi TV, hosted by Samir El Wafi, a weekly political talk-show that consist of interviewing an active public figure on the political scene with the intervention of a bunch of notable columnists as Hsen Ben Othman and Lotfi Laâmari, a controversial political show in witch the dialogue often results in a heated argument with the m... Read all