Battle of the Planets: The Movie is an unsold pilot by Sandy Frank. The movie was an attempt to revive Battle of The Planets some twenty-four years after its original debut in 1978. The re-imagined version of Battle of the Planets was planned to cut down on the previous censorship. It evolved into Battle of the Planets: The New Exploits of G-Force. The remake never materialized and plans were canceled once the first 105 episodes of Gatchaman were translated into English by ADV Films while Exploits became Battle of the Planets: Phoenix Ninjas.
The movie contained the original voice recordings of specific episodes from Battle of The Planets. The character names (from Battle of The Planets) were retained, but scenes that included violence and deaths were now included as part of the story. The setting was now on Earth, although Red Impulse was still "Colonel Chronos from Plannet Riga." Keyop continued to stutter, as well as the appearances of 7-Zark-7, 1-Rover-1, and Susan, although time was focused on the mission instead of banter. Additionally, 7-Zark-7 was given new lines and is now voiced by David Bret Edgen.
The theme music was remixed. The ending theme includes rhythmic edits to Keyop's stuttering as well as several lines from Mark and a few from the rest of the G-Force. The movie is noteworthy for containing soundtracks from both Bob Sakuma and from Hoyt S. Curtin while retaining the original violence and fatalities from Gatchaman.