In one of the first locker room scenes Smashley Simpson has a taped up nose and two black eyes. In the next scene her nose is not taped and her black eyes have disappeared.
in the swimming pool scene you could see Page's underwear sticking out of their pantyhose and it is red, but later when they removed their pantyhose the underwear is gray.
In the food fight scene, Iron Maven throws a french fry onto Bliss' face. Bliss pulls the fry off leaving a smear of ketchup and then tosses banana cream pie at Iron Maven. When Maven retaliates by dumping a chocolate shake onto Bliss' head, the fry is back on her face.
When Bliss finishes her last round in the first game she plays, she wears the star sash for being a jammer, then the game stops and she is shortly shown having an "honor round" without the sash, then has the sash again for the team reunion.
At 44:53, as the scene cuts from car to the game machine, both Oliver and Bliss's makeup has increased.
In several parking lots, multiple parked cars do not have front license plates. Texas requires cars to have front car license plates. But Michigan, where the film was shot, does not have front car license plates.
At one point in the movie, the opposing team does a roundhouse punch and knocks down all the members of the team. Any type of violence in Roller Derby (punching, kicking, fighting) would get a player expelled from the game, but the opposing team doesn't face any such reprimanding whatsoever.
In an early scene shot from the air, an interstate highway sign pointing the way to Austin has white arrows incorrectly pointing down instead of up. However, this appears to be an overhead sign from an interchange, indicating which lanes one should to use to get to Austin. It was likely borrowed and placed along an interstate in Michigan where the film was shot, to provide the effect that the characters were in fact on their way to Austin.
In the final bout scenes, a row of "dummies" watch the bout instead of actual people. The "dummies" are mixed in with the actual crowd but due to editing the row of "dummies" was not edited out.
Iron Maven's (Juliette Lewis) stunt double is obvious during several close-ups throughout the final match.
In several shots throughout the film a soft box (used for lighting) is visible in the reflection of Bliss' glasses.
When Bliss sits in the bus to Austin and watches Pash in the diner, the camera can be seen in the reflection in the left side of the window.
In several close-ups throughout the film the camera can be seen Bliss' glasses.
There is a point in the film where Elliot Page's character opens the refrigerator and grabs the milk to drink. The milk is Meijer brand milk. There are no Meijer stores south of Indiana.
During the try-out, Razor is timing the girls' speed around the track with a stopwatch. However, he announces their times as getting faster, not slower, the later a girl crosses the line.