My brother is more the video game fan than I am, but when they are good they are great fun to watch and play. Brutal Legend had some really interesting ideas and the voice cast- you can never go wrong with Tim Curry voicing a villain- and music choices are enough to draw anybody in. On the whole, Brutal Legend is an awesome game. It is a little too short, maybe if the ending was longer and more rounded off that may have solved things, and there are a few moments where the missions are repetitive and lack variety. But the good far outweighs the not-so-good, and Brutal Legend's good points are outstanding. Where to start with the praise? Well, the graphics are just great, very detailed, easy-flowing and atmospherically coloured. The visual effects are also eye-catching. The soundtrack fits so well too with some really catchy and energetic song choices, heavy metal is not a style I usually listen to but Brutal Legend is one of the reasons why the appreciation for it is going up. There is some hilarious writing, Eddie's lines especially, though there are also some thoughtful and intense moments like with Doviculus. The story is exciting, told in a way that anybody will follow with no problem and has an atmosphere that draws you right into the world it is set in, the final battle between Eddie and Doviculus is epic personified. The game play is not simplistic, nor is it too complex, one may wish for more variety but mostly it is a lot of fun to play. The characters are also great, Eddie is one cool and likable hero, Orphelia is sexy, Ozzy Osborne's character is hugely entertaining and Doviculus is convincing and not one to mess one, with a design that seems to be influenced by Darkness from Legend. Likewise with the voice acting, Jack Black is in his element in a role that just allows him to be him and do what he wants. Ozzy Osborne relishes his cracking one-liners, the heavy metal legends are fun in itself to listen out for and spot and Tim Curry's voicing of Doviculus is chilling in a way that few other actors specialising in villain roles can pull off so well. Overall, awesome. 9/10 Bethany Cox