If it wasn't for Mr. Jurgans, the show wouldn't have kept me interested. Such a poorly written show. I think it has good intentions but the acting is bad. BAD. The lines are very repetitive. They say something and then repeat it just in a different order. Over and over. Every episode, every season. All the characters. It's annoying. The word sex is said probably over 50 times every episode. I understand it's basically the main topic but it's overdone. There's not much depth to the show. Amy is a miserable, miserable character. I just want to scream at her to shut up and look at how lucky she is and just be happy and complaining allllll the time. Her 2 "best friends" are not believable. They're not even good friends. Well neither is Amy. The little sister Ashley has her moments. She's funny sometimes but most of the time she mainly is just a little brat and I wanna slap her. I wish they'd have given Jack more story lines. He's basically there just to beg Grace for sex. Over, and over, and over... Adrian is hit or miss. You like her for a few episodes and then shes horrible. Over and over.. I think my favorite part of the show might be when Ricky matures and the main Dads character. He makes the episodes. Great sense of humor. Very likable. If it wasn't for the 2 of them I might have given up a while ago. I know for most people they still won't make it very far. I really don't even know how to explain this show or review it honestly. I'm shocked it lasted 7 seasons. I guess preteen fans kept it running. Not shocked to see that really no one has much work after this show.. except Shaliene really.. and Grace who's in talentless hallmark movies now. (Not all hallmark actors are talentless though, I do adore a fair amount of them) I just felt like there could have been so much more potential with this show had maybe different people been behind the scenes and people worked with the actors a little more to make them better. Sorry this was a horribly written review. Just as horrible as the show. Haha but really, if you're like 13, you'll probably like the show.. until the very end.. can you even call it an end!?