I have been watching this series on TFC, why do i watch it. Married to a Filipina. Its been on every night for the last five weeks, and I have yet to see a kid doing Kung Fu. I see them screaming a lot, but no Kung and no Fu. The story starts a long time ago in a Shaolin Temple. ( been done before ). The temple gets raided and as the monks do battle, the heir apparent, a little boy gets killed. Flash to the present day in Manila or someplace in the Philippines and the same little boy ( cute ) meets with a long haired stranger with a stick who is wandering about like a drunk. Through the next few episodes we find out the stranger is the Shaolin monk wandering and being chased by the baddies still. The little boy has friends and they all befriended the monk. So far so good, not really. Most of the story concerns about two brothers and the kids, who don't do Kung Fu are secondary. There is one scene where the monk shows a picture of him and the little boy taken over hundred years before? Yes a photograph, when did they have Kodaks in the Shaolin Temples for crying out loud. Thats when I stopped watching and left my wife alone to watch. if you have better things to do, like watching paint dry. then I recommend you do