24 reviews
- karanjetanuja
- May 18, 2021
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There r so many twists and turns that the writer has forgotten what was the twist in the earlier story. Aarohis character, Ashutoshs character, Ila Bhates character, Anish etc are unnecessary additions. Stop it now. How many marriages does Arundhati have to do? The Aai in Arundhati has done so many things for the family. Now let the children be on their own and Arundhati should go into oblivion. Moreover, whenever any festival is there, the episodes are just increased and that's the reason why festivities are going on for weeks. Moreover the festivals are celebrated ONLY when the festival is actually over.
- shrikantchawathe
- Apr 5, 2024
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It is disgusting to see Arundhati still after divorce is taking care of exhusbands family. Her husband and her ex mother in law are not worth the good will and good deeds. Those two are close minded and are creating problems in Arundhati's progress. I think the director and writer should shape this serial for social good and not take audience in 1950s.
- dagniv-66969
- Nov 23, 2021
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I don't wanna waste my time writing a review just want to tell you please avoid this cancer.
- kiranzade-68119
- Sep 9, 2021
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Previously I thought it was only marathi serial which looks realistic....but nowadays the track of this serial is going in worst direction..
Abhishek and Ankitas marriage track is just so pathetic... either makers change the track or quit the show....
Means how can someone marry his ex who were dumped for no such great reason and now for stupid reason he marry her and ditch an innocent girl that is #Angha ...and they show in serial that she had bad past...now they doing same with her... such a pathetic track...
#Rip seral logic...#RIP writer's creativity...!
- ruchitagokhale
- May 15, 2021
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This serial has become now LAFDA SADAN. I don't understand what statements that Abhi is making. Disgusting. Director/ story writer have failed in their job. They don't know what to do next. This serial is glorifying adultery. I don't understand what message they want to relay to yong generation. People at 7.30 p.m. Sit and watch serial to get some comfort from days hard work. But this serial is making everybody annoyed. Half of the characters are now missing without any reasons. I don't blame writer. Because that lady is busy in writing so many serials at a time and must by confused. I decided not to watch this serial to get comfortable sleep in the night.
- rpriyolker
- Dec 15, 2022
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Good story, good writing and excellent dialogue delivery. The recent changes to the plot were lil disturbing but I have faith in the writers.
- pkpkkulkarni
- Jun 12, 2021
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This is very pathetic and stopped watching, just giving review so that people should not suffer from such negativity. Giving very unethnic message to society. People only get bad influence from such stories. Many of viewers were watching it for its good story n realistic approach, it had very strong side of positivity. Now you can only get those bad vibes n so much of negativity. Better to stay away from all this. Dear Makers, may god bless you with some brain.
- yogitagaikwad-59923
- May 18, 2021
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Beautiful serial.!!
I never watched dailysoaps regularly but when I watched 1-2 episodes of this serial, I became regular audience now.
Beautiful story, beautiful dialogue, beautiful direction,beautiful acting by all characters everything is complimating each other.
All are giving their 100%.
Best part of this serial is it's very realistic. Nothing is Exagerated.we can relate each scene with our common people life. It's a Story of each middle class family.
Another best part is no character has been shown as villain. Even grey shade character's point of view and opinions are presented beautifully.
Madhurani Tai is my favorite. She has given justice to character.
Thanks for such a quality serial.
I never watched dailysoaps regularly but when I watched 1-2 episodes of this serial, I became regular audience now.
Beautiful story, beautiful dialogue, beautiful direction,beautiful acting by all characters everything is complimating each other.
All are giving their 100%.
Best part of this serial is it's very realistic. Nothing is Exagerated.we can relate each scene with our common people life. It's a Story of each middle class family.
Another best part is no character has been shown as villain. Even grey shade character's point of view and opinions are presented beautifully.
Madhurani Tai is my favorite. She has given justice to character.
Thanks for such a quality serial.
- shitalkale-22697
- Apr 3, 2021
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I wish I could give this serial a negative rating...why do serial these days loose their track. Please refer below points:
1. Abhishek being a doc is so dumb that he marries his ex, by leaving his ring ceremony in the middle. Eventually he proves to be like a characterless person like his father Anirudh
2. Anirudh, the worst character as he can blame only Arundhati and for him Sanjana's witchy plots are acceptable. He keeps numb in front of Sanjana
3. Kanchan, another disgusting character, as she cannot correct her son and can blame Arundhati for no reason.
There is so much.... Dear writer please write something sensible, relatable and logical. There's already a lot negative things around us as we all are caught in pandemic. Please show something that is happy and can make people to watch more and give family goals.
There is so much.... Dear writer please write something sensible, relatable and logical. There's already a lot negative things around us as we all are caught in pandemic. Please show something that is happy and can make people to watch more and give family goals.
- sonaldhamange
- May 14, 2021
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The theme of the serial might sound like another serial, no sense of direction to follow and as Indian women are emotional they take advantage of that and just revolve the story around some one slapping some for 3 episodes if you check in any ott platforms the runtime of these show are just 20 mins and the other 10mins are just ads this how they make money which is fair but,when I started seeing this particular show it was very intriguing how they properly planned the plots placed them and executed without overdoing as the other shows do, the humor might seem off and or outdated and sometimes you might laugh on how pathetic it is but no show is perfect some arcs in this show are really good.
- hyperkatal
- May 17, 2021
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Every character is worst, at first it's somewhat watchable but it become very intolerable and everyone is very annoying, especially old character being horny is the worst they made there and everyone life miserable including audience. Last year in lockdown the production of new episode was hibernated I think it should have not resumed in the first place. Worst Marathi TV serial.
Close the serial. In this serial, there is only work of making pairs. Dirty story I don't understand exactly where and what mother does. Anirudh's behavior is the height of exaggeration. Please, do us a favor and stop the serial.
- bapatmayuri-32165
- Aug 22, 2022
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Firstly, this serial has all stereotypes - an unfaithful husband, a nagging mother-in-law, a wife who spends all time giving sermons about life, and the rest of the cast has no work, no office, no profession etc. The entire serial time is spent in giving sermons on same topic of whether Arundhati should work or not. In fact the husband's (Aniruddha) only role in the serial is to shout.
- nishitgaitonde
- Feb 4, 2022
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I generally don't watch daily soaps, but somehow saw one episode on hotstar in 2023 july and since then binge watching it. Really impressed with
overall serial but aspects like dialogues ,acting, concept are something to look forward.
This is an original serial which was later adapted for Anupama( same banner) which has loud dialogues and overacting by but Aai kuthe kay karte outstands overall and would recommend to watch.
There are many twists and turns which keeps you hook up to watch next episode and does not feel dragged at all.
Would like to congratulate all the cast and makers for this wonderful product.
This is an original serial which was later adapted for Anupama( same banner) which has loud dialogues and overacting by but Aai kuthe kay karte outstands overall and would recommend to watch.
There are many twists and turns which keeps you hook up to watch next episode and does not feel dragged at all.
Would like to congratulate all the cast and makers for this wonderful product.
- patilamolprakash
- Aug 28, 2023
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- saumitrasonawane
- Oct 2, 2023
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Characters are playing the role beautifully,but story writer enough of drama.. so much of roller coaster,that followers have started hating the content. Serial is expected to show some respectful moments about motherhood. Her sacrifice will be paid off some day,but here its only pain. NO mother like.me will come back to see it. Let the public have some contented feeling after watching the serial,it's all negative feeling. Just don't like to watch. Get back the Ashutosh and just finish it off with Happy ending,if really you want to save your name. Show it as it's dream or anything, but death of Hero is too much.
So much of cry and negativity. Worst content.
So much of cry and negativity. Worst content.
- swapnatilak
- Mar 19, 2024
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This serial is getting WORST day by day. Should Stop now. Don't pull more otherwise you will loose your viewers. What a negative characters showing by this serials. Lot of negativity. It's enought now. My family was fan of your series not we don't want to see this series.
So many marriages, complications in a home. Now divorces are comming up.... Such a negative stories you are making.
Stop this nonsense.
We Marathi people deling with lot of challenges in life already and in that you are adding such negativity. Pls note most of the ladies following those characters and if you are showing such then there will be very bad impact on everyone. So many school/college going students watching your series. What their mentality becomes?
Hope you got our point.
Regards, Tushar Patil.
So many marriages, complications in a home. Now divorces are comming up.... Such a negative stories you are making.
Stop this nonsense.
We Marathi people deling with lot of challenges in life already and in that you are adding such negativity. Pls note most of the ladies following those characters and if you are showing such then there will be very bad impact on everyone. So many school/college going students watching your series. What their mentality becomes?
Hope you got our point.
Regards, Tushar Patil.
- tusharpatil-61966
- Aug 9, 2023
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This was an interesting serial that I could relate to and admired the Aai character. However since her divorce (which she insisted though started by anirudh) it is sad to see this character becoming disgusting with constant interference and not letting sanjana succeed in her marriage. Not fond of sanjana character (least because she is independent career oriented woman which actually is a plus) but I wish the divorce was meaningful and turning point. Hopefully Aai will die an instant death (no hospital scene to drag more episodes) and the story will move forward and we get to see how the family copes up with loss of Aai (which I was hoping with divorce).
- joshinitin-77347
- Oct 8, 2021
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- priyapawar-97275
- Jun 8, 2021
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Started well but just to stretch the story they are adding too many nonsense and irrelevant masala. It's becoming a serious comedy serial. Highly immatured story. So pathetic and worst serial. It's no where close to reality. They have brought many characters just to fill the gaps. Arundhati is shown as super woman and great celebrati with just with one song!!! Ashutosh is just puppet and has no business to do but being a tail of his wife.. They are promoting students marriage with no work or no earnings.. Arundhati is going after so called new lady entrant and neglecting her daughters failing marriage. Anish is shown as a baffoon running after this new entrant and neglecting his wife. What a joke!
Overall good acting is masked by the worst story writing.
Overall good acting is masked by the worst story writing.
- onlymaltesh
- Jan 16, 2024
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I was very happy that the serial was realistic. But now it is going to a different direction. I feel it is going to a wrong direction. I feel it should be showing positive. I felt atleast in this serial they will show a women struggle and be happy. But here the it shows that female is never independent and has be controlled by a male only. She cannot decide her life. Why Arundhati has to face all the trouble all the time. ?
I was very happy to show this serial. And without fail I used to watch it. But now I wish to tell you that please close this serial. The young generation is getting a wrong message.
I was very happy to show this serial. And without fail I used to watch it. But now I wish to tell you that please close this serial. The young generation is getting a wrong message.
- kotharebhakti
- Feb 12, 2023
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We used to love watching this serial but now it has stooped down to a cheap level. They constantly are portraying that bad things happen to good people. This doesn't promote people believing in good things and is not a good message to the community. The bail for Sanjana and Aniruddha has lasted this long? What laws are they following? What happened to the builder's threats? Or is it based on who's available today, let's put them in today's episode type of mentality? It appears like they're running out of ideas and stretching this serial unnecessarily. It could've ended with both of them going to jail. It's sad to see why the producers do these kind of things. Very disappointing!
- dipjosh-88716
- Nov 14, 2024
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- sumitsddastane
- Feb 6, 2024
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