I'm not commenting on the show except to say that it's very good. I'm just here to comment about the previous post. For whatever reason the writer thought that Navy Seals is the most elite strike force in the World. Having served in the military for quite some time, it occurred to me that anybody who knows nothing about the military always think that Navy Seal is the best. Well there aren't. In the world of Special Operation, the is no best. Seal is better at some things, mainly naval and water to surface missions, but there aren't better or as good as US Army Special Forces in counter insurgency. There aren't as good as the Ranger in seizing airfield and terrain.
Navy Seal is very good in conducting quick strike mission that last a few hours to a few days. There cannot however operate independently and without any support for months at a time like the US Army Special Forces. One personal critic and problem I have with the Seal is that they have very poor mission planning skills. In the world of Special Ops, there's no best. Everyone is versatile, but each unit has its expertize, strength, and weaknesses. The Seal just do better PR than everyone else.