Michael "Mike" Scottfield (Robert Michael Ryan) invites his girlfriend Karen (Tiffany) and his friends Matt (George Stults), Jerry (James Kyson-Lee), Samantha (Danielle De Luca) and Megan (Penny Drake) to travel to Sierra, Nevada, to spend the weekend in his cottage in the top of the mountain. When they stop in a bar, the strange Seymour (Michael Berryman) advises that the top of the mountain is not a safe place, and Mike explains to his friends that in 1846, a group of travelers was trapped for months in the mountain while traveling to California. They go insane with the starvation, and without any food, they start killing each other to eat. The episode was known as the Donner massacre.
While driving a snowmobile, Jerry sees a ghost girl that advises him that the place is not safe. The six friends are surprised by the severe snow and are trapped in the cabin. When they go to the shed to start the generator, they find the body of the caretaker Lyle (John Dobroth) lying on the snow. Sooner Jerry sees other eerie creatures wandering around the cabin. When Matt learns that Jerry is under the medication of the antipsychotic Seraquin, they fear that Jerry may be driving crazy.
"Necrosis" is a low-budget psychological horror movie that uses the idea of "The Shinning" combined with "Evil Dead", with a man that goes insane in an isolated cabin threatening the lives of his girlfriend and friends. The plot is slowly constructed and the greatest flaw is the lack of explanation why Mike brings his friends to a cabin that belongs to his family for many years in a season of severe snow and without supplies. He certainly should have an idea of the difficulties that they might have in that season. When I saw the IMDb rating, I was afraid that "Necrosis" would be a deceptive film; however, I realize that actually this film is underrated in IMDb. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "Sangue na Neve" ("Blood on the Snow")