Hey, if horror ain't your thing, don't worry! The Once and Future Smash (TOAFS) is a hilarious love story about the people who love horror films. Innovatingly shot in a pseudo mockumentary format, TOAFS follows the attempted remaking of the famed End Zone horror franchise. You know, the one that was made at the height of the football revenge film craze?
And is this film funny! The End Zone remake isn't so much a remake as a reboot that starts one hour into the original film. The two characters who played the original SmashMouth (don't ask) are competing to be in the reboot and have to share a table at a horror conference where the reboot's producer has failed to pay the fee for the reunion party and has instead hired three crazies to make the scene.
Meanwhile, a parade of horror masters are interviewed about what the original End Zone film meant to them and how it influenced their work.
Terrific performances all around, especially by AJ Cutler whose father played AJ in the original film and whose deathbed wish was that his son should always serve as an unpaid assistant to one of the actors who played SmashMouth.
It's actually a pretty complex layering of stories and story types, people, and characters. Highly recommend.