This film is the follow-up to 2019's acclaimed Ne Zha, though the link is not clear until the very end and the connection is more thematic. This film also draws on Chinese mythology with surprisingly good animation and energetic action sequences. The designs, colours and lighting are quite masterful with lots of stunning scenes like the dead souls or the (literal) stairway to heaven. I would say it's on the level of Kubo and the Two Strings, wherein any frame could be a stunning desktop wallpaper. The animation of the characters (as in, the expression and movement) is more action-oriented and less comical than that of Ne Zha. The story concerns the titular Jiang Ziya who is trying to solve the mystery of the Nine Tailed Fox and end his banishment. While engaging, it suffers from a lot of choppiness and jarring transitions - many of the flashbacks intrude quite suddenly, a lot of things are not explained and some scene transitions happen without warning (like the one spanning ten years!).