Most enjoyable well made and informative, whether you are on board with the content or not its definitely worth watching and gives another perspective to our world which is always a healthy exercise.
I have to add the one bad review here "Load of Rubbish" is exactly the same as one on Amazon by jason t. and on Vimeo too (I doubt its their real names) word for word, copied and pasted. SO this person who hated the film bought it twice from 2 different platforms just to leave bad reviews on both platforms. I bet the same review is on itunes too but i wont have that on my system so cant check. Seems pretty stupid OR far more likely someone deliberately trolling to put off potential buyers. Its was lazy to use the same words , like copying your mates homework and expecting not to get caught out, their trolling skills are somewhat lacking, as Q often says "these people are stupid" This being the case I wouldn't pay any heed to that review, the production values are good and the content very interesting, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED