The film's SAL-E Sparx broadcasts are patterned after actual events. In Chicago, on November 22, 1987, someone wearing a Max Headroom (1987) mask interrupted WGN's 9 o'clock news for 25 seconds. 2 hours later the same person interrupted WTTW's airing of Doctor Who (1963) for 90 seconds.
The film's Florida intrusion by 'The Nite Pirate' is patterned after the April 27, 1986 broadcast signal intrusion perpetrated by 'Captain Midnight'. He interrupted HBO's Galaxy 1 satellite broadcast of The Falcon and the Snowman (1985) with a test pattern overlaid with text complaining about HBO's pricing.
Fictional Chicago TV stations in the film are "WCN" and "WTTP." Actual TV stations in Chicago are WGN and WTTW, an independent local station and the Chicago PBS member station, respectively.
The look of the intrusion videos' android in an oddly-proportioned room was copied from early-2000s internet videos of 'Tara the Android', also known as the "I Feel Fantastic" video.
The two fictional TV series mentioned in the film - 'Stepbot' and 'Don Cronos' - are patterned after Small Wonder (1985) and Doctor Who (1963).