This series is not about cyber crime happening from jamtara. It's about a corrupt politician who is involved in phishing. 90% of the focus is on politian, gang rivalries, petty fights and how to capture the politician. Very less scope is given to show how phishing is done in jamtara . Every episode has 1 phishing call where scammer gets the credit card details.
There is no details about how phishing started in jamtara, how they get phone numbers, how they get so many sim cards, how they transfer the amount to bank accounts , how the scam is tracked to jamtara etc. Focus is only on the crime after phishing is done and its after effects. Cast is also a let down. Sp dolly was total misfit and also the cyber research guy.
This series is a big let down from Netflix. It's just another series about corrupt politician. The videos related to this series in YouTube from Netflix is much more better. Those who are expecting series about cyber crime , avoid this.