89 reviews
Wow. His ex girlfriends position through it all was crazy. To think she knew for months he was a killer and the police just blew her off several times. All those lives that could have been saved. Well done documentary.
- sbic-28133
- Jan 31, 2020
- Permalink
I've watched countless serial killer documentaries, and read countless books, and *this* is how it should be done. Bundy is the story, but he is not the narrative. Rather, he is the common thread that unites the testimonies of victims, survivors, and their families, and it is they who are at the forefront, telling us their experiences in their own words. It's heartbreaking, and compelling, and absolutely top-notch film-making.
- leebattersby
- Feb 13, 2020
- Permalink
I don't know why anyone would give this series a low rating. It's remarkable, the intelligence, insights, and self-examination that the victims reveal, especiall the woman and her daughter who were his "family" partners. The daughter is the winner.
The documentary was something else. From the brand new interviews to unseen photos to new crime details. Elizabeth "Liz" Kendall and her daughter, Molly Kendall, were simply remarkable and brave to finally share their stories. They have been laying low for almost 40 years and have not talked about Ted Bundy not even once. They have respected the victims and families but it was their time to share their story and I was so glad they did. I can't even imagine what they have gone through, they were the ones that lived. They were so professional and soft spoken through this entire documentary. It gave the viewer a complete different view on Ted Bundy. Thank you for your brave voices to all the brand new interviewers that came forward for this documentary. The music choice and open intro was right on the money too. It set the scene and I couldn't help but binge-watch every single episode the day the documentary came out. Thank you again for such a wonderful documentary.
- RoxySoftball06
- Jan 31, 2020
- Permalink
An absolutely extraordinary true crime doc that finally pays tribute to the the victims of a killer instead of trying to humanize the monster within. Maybe about 20 minutes of the full five episodes focuses on the feminist movement and honestly it's an important part to the narrative of the victims. Don't let the nay-sayers sway you away - this is the best Bundy doc I've watched and one of the best true crime docs overall.
- rach-puzz88
- Feb 7, 2020
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I have watched a lot of documentaries about Ted Bundy, What made this so different is that it focused on Ted's victims including Elizabeth and Molly Kendall, Ted's long term girlfriend and her daughter. I appreciated the filmmakers setting the story within its historical context. I especially appreciated hearing from Elizabeth & Molly Kendall. I have often wondered what they were thinking and feeling and I have so much compassion and appreciation for what they went through as well as the families and friends of of the young women Bundy murdered. All were victims of him and as a woman I think we are well served to know how men like Ted use our kindness and willingness to help against us as they prey upon us.
I was left thinking a lot about that time as I was only a year or two younger than his most of his Washington State victims and how culture shaped our attitudes, behavior p, fears and expectations. My father was a sociopath and I understand all too well what havoc they wrought on those who come into contact with them. Thank you to the Kendalls and all those who shared their stories. I wish them peace and happiness. I think it would be great if someone would make a documentary on misogyny. It is so prevalent in our culture and it is not well understood.
It's confusing to watch a documentary about a notorious serial killer become a documentary about women's rights in the 70's. The two just don't mesh well. Hearing from his longtime girlfriend and her daughter is incredibly interesting. They both have so many insightful things to say. However, most of the show is a history lesson on women's movements in the 70's. I actually fast forward those parts, and I'm not missing a thing. The film makers really missed the mark with this one. It's like they were thinking there's already so many documentaries on Bundy, let's change it up and try to make it look like there's a positive way to tell the story of a man who raped and killed dozens of women.
- Real_Mrs_JonSnow
- Nov 5, 2021
- Permalink
Some harp on feminist messaging. I didn't see that at all. How could you not get women's perspective when 100% of this serial perp's victims were female? Bundy personified evil.
Beyond sick, the devil if there is one. I've been around sick, evil before so I'm kind of fascinated by it's aspects and impacts. I highly recommend this. Very well done.
- rbost-70233
- Feb 4, 2020
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If you somehow manage to get through the first three episodes which Is basically more about how unfair things were for women in the 70s and nothing to do with Ted Bundy or the women he attacked, then you will find a unique look into the people who were affected by his terrible acts. I was very close to shutting it off. I only kept watching because I thought the feminist rants were going to lead somewhere. Which they did not. It was almost like the director was forcing it in there because of her own beliefs and not because it had anything to do with the horrible things these women endured. Once she got those out of they you do get a while new look into the crimes he committed and the people around him. It ended up being quite interesting.
It was amazing and heart breaking to hear from his girlfriend and her daughter. Just wish the director stayed on topic.
- agroneman-75567
- Jan 31, 2020
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You know, this documentary was about the women. The women who had their lives turned upside down by a demented killer. This isn't just about Ted...we've all heard about Ted!! We've seen many things done about Ted! It was time for the others to have a voice. Did you know how many victims? Did you know their names? Bet you didn't!! Did you know he had a brother? Bet you didn't. But you did know about Ted, we ALL KNOW about Ted! So get off your soap box!!!! There's no agenda here, except to shed light on the literal hundreds of lives that were affected by this disgusting human!! That's right, hundreds! All the parents, friends, siblings, classmates, bosses...all the people who had to go on living after this man had the audacity to abduct, rape, and beat to death all these women. If you got your little panties in a wad because women were bashing men, then You need to step back and look at the facts!!! They weren't claiming anything that wasn't true! Damn y'all, get it together! No women cops, no women in the FBI, isn't just something they said, those were the rules, and y'all know it. And let's back up and see how well the men did! Wouldn't listen to other cops from other districts and let him escape twice! Allowed to represent himself and get married during trial! Wouldn't listen to resin because "can't be Ted, he's a good guy" their egos were so HUGE and they couldn't be wrong! Well they were. They were all wrong!! Then they let him have sex while on death row. Now I'm not man bashing, just stating the facts. The women who made this documentary didn't ruin it! They were telling a story, their story! Because, I'll say again, we all know everything about Ted, it was time to see and hear from a different angle! You knew what you were getting into when you started it! FALLING FOR A KILLER. That's the title. There's no propaganda there's no lefty message. There's facts, plain and simple! It's disgusting how some of y'all can watch this and still bash women. It's disgusting how y'all are so offended by their stories that you can't just shut your f-ing mouth and watch in amazement how this man ripped lives apart and no one wanted to listen to the women! You are disgusting if you made a comment about how the women messed up "what could've been a great documentary"
Strong women still scare little men so badly that they can't ever give credit where it's due. This documentary was a voice, a voice to the women, not to Ted!! Obviously a voice that small men can't bear to hear. Ted had his time in movie after movie and documentary after documentary. It was time for him to shut up and let the others speak! I'll go out on a limb here and say everyone who hates this documentary, knew everything about Ted already, but never even knew the names of all his victims or even how many there were. So I'll say again, shut your tiny mouth and your tiny voice and listen to what's being said! If it was your daughter, your mother, your sister, your wife, wouldn't you want people to know about her? Wouldn't you want people to know her story? Since for decades it's only ever been about the maniacal, disgusting, narcissistic woman hating killer! But still, even after all that, some men still want to stifle the women and accuse them of lying and making stuff up, or having an agenda! What agenda???! Telling the facts of how things were back then!! And obviously still are today by some of yalls comments! You should be ashamed. If you were my son, you would disgust me.
- ChristyGuinn
- Feb 1, 2020
- Permalink
If you want to know how horrible men apparently are, this documentary may be for you. While they sell it as a documentary for the victims, they spend most of the time talking about women in general. For every minute of victim interview, there's probably 15+ minutes of broad man-hating statements from people like the "Feminist Karate Union" instructor.
I also don't get why people think the victims are "forgotten" because they're women. Aileen Wuornos got a blockbuster movie and no one knows her victim's names, do they?
I also don't get why people think the victims are "forgotten" because they're women. Aileen Wuornos got a blockbuster movie and no one knows her victim's names, do they?
- DesertBeagler
- Feb 13, 2020
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So not saying that this is a bad thing, just saying that Seval of times throughout the series i found my self thinking, is this about Ted Bundy, or is this about Women's rights.
Yes, i know it had/has something to do with the way women see themselves, and the way the react in sertant situations. But i still think that there was way way to much about topics that in my opinion didn't have to be in a documentary about Ted Bundy.
In short women's right movement, sprinkled with some Ted Bundy.
Yes, i know it had/has something to do with the way women see themselves, and the way the react in sertant situations. But i still think that there was way way to much about topics that in my opinion didn't have to be in a documentary about Ted Bundy.
In short women's right movement, sprinkled with some Ted Bundy.
Crazy they can make a documentary about a serial killers girlfriend into a feminist liberal propaganda show. Aweful!! If I want to watch a show about politics I will!! But don't trick people into watching your political documentary!! Disgusting.
- douglasminner
- Mar 15, 2020
- Permalink
What you notice most with The Bundy cases and what was addressed correctly by the Judge in the main trial was the total waste of humanity experienced. Ted Bundy had choices. He wasn't a street X Con angry at what ever!!! He was maticulous and smart. I will not comment on appearance. He had decided to end futures and no young woman was safe.
Falling for a Killer focusses on the woman involved and rightfully so.
You will cry with Karen Sparks. ..Her testimony is the worst I have ever heard . You will cry with Elizabeth Kendall and her amazing daughter, The two Ted Bundy spent most of his original time with.
This is not feminist properganda. This is a group of amazing people finally answering against the worst Serial killer of all time. ...A person who wanted to take light. The woman here have to praised. They don't attack they just say what was done wrong to them...very graceful. Ted was the worst of the worst.The Bundy tapes have nothing on this achievement.
A must watch on Prime Video.
Falling for a Killer focusses on the woman involved and rightfully so.
You will cry with Karen Sparks. ..Her testimony is the worst I have ever heard . You will cry with Elizabeth Kendall and her amazing daughter, The two Ted Bundy spent most of his original time with.
This is not feminist properganda. This is a group of amazing people finally answering against the worst Serial killer of all time. ...A person who wanted to take light. The woman here have to praised. They don't attack they just say what was done wrong to them...very graceful. Ted was the worst of the worst.The Bundy tapes have nothing on this achievement.
A must watch on Prime Video.
- tiffmasters
- Jan 31, 2020
- Permalink
They almost lost me with the feminist agenda, but once you get past all of that, this was a heartbreaking story. Gut wrenching. This was the best documentary I have seen about Ted Bundy.
- kristi2374
- Feb 1, 2020
- Permalink
Well done documentary.
Anyone here saying all it is is a political agenda film is incorrect. They interviewed women who lived in a transitional time period. If those women want to bring up the struggle they had in how they were treated as unequal to men, it is their right to do so.
It in no way takes away from the point of the documentary: give victims/survivors of this terrible man a voice.
- tmmack-85582
- Feb 11, 2020
- Permalink
Very interesting documentary but for me it was a but too slow. A lot of information was told more then once and watching the same photo's over and over again made me lost interest. And the feminism is quite annoying. I'm a woman but I think it was too much, like in lots of movies and series nowadays.
Finally a documentary done from the victim's families, Bundy's girlfriend and her child's perspective.
All the complaints from men that this is simply male bashing and feminist agenda are missing the point. Maybe they weren't around in the 1970's and don't understand that women really didn't have many rights and this was all turning around. Most people don't even know that women couldn't buy property on their own in some places up until the 1980's unless they had a male to co-sign on a loan with them! So yeah, women's rights were a big deal!
I don't understand why whenever a film comes out where there are a few bad male characters then suddenly the film is indicting ALL men as bad people. Women don't think that about how they are portrayed in films.
Anyway the first 3 episodes do focus on the victims, the political climate at that time and how it was affected by these vicious attacks and murders of several young women all in the same general area.
They spend a great deal of time talking to Ted Bundy's girlfriend at the time and what she experienced with him. The last two episodes focus on his arrest and subsequent trial, etc.
Definitely the best documentary I've seen on this subject.
- Secretteeth
- Feb 6, 2020
- Permalink
As a woman I'm all for my own rights. I completely identify with Liz, I too fell for a charismatic man who I believed was my prince! Thank God he didn't do the horrific things Ted did, he only abused me but the hold he had on me sounds exactly like what Ted had on Liz. I appreciate so much the female view on Ted Bundy as obviously women were his target. My problem with this is the social justice stuff. We are all about to lose all our freedom in the name of social justice. We the people are caring and loving sadly too trusting of Government. We are allowing our Government to destroy all that is beautiful about America. Divide and conquer, it's working. We the people can save the world, we only need to unite🙏🏻💗🇺🇸
I haven't even finished the documentary yet but I'm too excited not to write this review. Finally! A Ted Bundy documentary that's victim focused. I am not being dramatic when I say this: this was all I ever wanted, I feel so much more complete now. I have been into many a serial killer's story but I have never wanted to know so much about the victims of any other killer as much I did Ted Bundy's. Brutal deaths of those gorgeous, young, groovy and bright 70's girls in the spring of their lives hit me so hard ever since I found about Bundy as a little kid. Yet despite countless documentaries about him, we always saw the same photos of the girls and no one ever talked to their families to find out what they were like when they were alive, how it affected their lives and community, the tragedy of such a magnitude was always glossed over and it made me so mad. We literally talked about this with my brother every few months, wishing for someone, anyone to go talk to the families before it was too late and make it not all about Ted for just once and it finally happened. Starting with so many new photos of Ted, then Linda Healy, her room, her friends, I was at the edge of my seat, not wanting to jinx it but exploding with excitement thinking we had finally found a victim focused documentary that would tell the story of each girl. Well, they apparently couldn't reach a relative or friend of each girl and skipped a few, I really wanted to know more about Roberta Parks and Denise Naslund but Georgeann Hawking's segment was so detailed with so many photos that I can say from the bottom of my heart this documentary was so appreciated, so loved and so long awaited. Thank you a million times over.
- yogsottoth
- Feb 2, 2020
- Permalink
Don't let the title fool you, this series is 5 hours of feminism violently shoved down your throat (hence the high ratings), with probably 20 total minutes combined talk of Ted Bundy. Guaranteed to roll your eyes so hard it will make you sick.
First of all, my deepest sympathy to all the victims, their families and the people who lived with this monster. This documentary shows their side of the story which I applaud because they are brave and heartbreaking. We get to really see the victims through the people close to them for the first time, we get to see the names and faces and who they were which you don't get to see that much, it's always about Bundy himself. So for that reason this is a must see. That being said, to turn a documentary about a deranged serial killer into something about the women's lib is preposterous, one thing has nothing to do with another. Sure, these killings happened in a political era where certain groups of people were fighting for their rights and rightfully so but the fact remains that we are dealing with 1 sick indivual who happens to be a man and that's all that happened. Bundy being a Republican or wanting Liz and Molly do dress conservative has nothing to do with him butchering all those poor women, are you crazy? A wise man (sorry) once said that in order for mankind to cure this violence problem we have we must all look at ourselves first and foremost. So yes, in my case I have to look at the violence in myself, in men, how do I treat women and every other person around me? And Liz might have had to look at her relgious upbringing, how it affected her self-esteem and why she wanted that perfect family so bad to the point where she got into a relationship with one of the sickest human beings ever. And women in general might want to look at why Bundy got all these love letters and even got married after his arrest. And what about his mom? My point is that the Bundy story is not explained by an easy us against them narrative, I wish it were. No, it's just a story of a monster and his poor victims. And if you really want to ask an important question then why are we as a species, as a whole and as individuals capable of creating, becoming or getting into a relationship with such monsters. Cause untill we do, nothing gets solved. Least of all by a "men are bad, women are cool" answer.
The main focus here is that Ted Bundy was just a symptom of a much larger problem. The show pounds home the notion that Ted Bundy was just the natural evolution of 1970s Americana and an overwhelming culture of toxic masculinity. They assert that Ted Bundy was not just a psychotic predator, but instead he was mostly a handsome republican male anti-feminist. The story of a ruthless murdering rapist at times gets hopelessly lost in a sea of liberal cliches and modern day feminism.
This is a profoundly tragic and moving story. I think it would be better served without the heavy-handed politics.
This is a profoundly tragic and moving story. I think it would be better served without the heavy-handed politics.
True, the story revolved around Bundy and the wrath he wrought upon women over 50 years ago in the States.
Flippant or not, the real story to me was about the dignity, sorrow and resurrection of the women Bundy imposed himself upon.
When you look at how the men in this series faired, compared to the women that suffered unimaginable horror in their lives as compared to the men...well, I look up to the heavens and thank God for the gift that he gave us:
So much stronger than we men and resolute.
There are rare times you take stock of life from entertainment, this was one of those times for me and a reminder of the blessings that women bring to life.
As for Bundy, he got what was coming to him other than, his ending was too swift for my liking. More agony and pain, prolonged, would have made me happy - see that smug, self-important, above it all smile of his wiped clean from his face slowly and deliberately. Unforgivable what he did, an animal has more compassion than he.
Lastly, thank you Amazon Prime for letting me see the worst and best of humanity. Sobering to say the very least.
Flippant or not, the real story to me was about the dignity, sorrow and resurrection of the women Bundy imposed himself upon.
When you look at how the men in this series faired, compared to the women that suffered unimaginable horror in their lives as compared to the men...well, I look up to the heavens and thank God for the gift that he gave us:
So much stronger than we men and resolute.
There are rare times you take stock of life from entertainment, this was one of those times for me and a reminder of the blessings that women bring to life.
As for Bundy, he got what was coming to him other than, his ending was too swift for my liking. More agony and pain, prolonged, would have made me happy - see that smug, self-important, above it all smile of his wiped clean from his face slowly and deliberately. Unforgivable what he did, an animal has more compassion than he.
Lastly, thank you Amazon Prime for letting me see the worst and best of humanity. Sobering to say the very least.