Veronica Ryzhova, a girl from an orphanage, lives in a foster family. Her well-established life is derailed by a tragedy: her parents died in a car accident caused by millionaire Kovtun who ... Read allVeronica Ryzhova, a girl from an orphanage, lives in a foster family. Her well-established life is derailed by a tragedy: her parents died in a car accident caused by millionaire Kovtun who gets away with it. It's horrifying for her to realize that it is Kovtun who is guilty and ... Read allVeronica Ryzhova, a girl from an orphanage, lives in a foster family. Her well-established life is derailed by a tragedy: her parents died in a car accident caused by millionaire Kovtun who gets away with it. It's horrifying for her to realize that it is Kovtun who is guilty and she is determined to find the truth. Veronica gets a job as Kovtun's secretary hoping to d... Read all