The entire budget of the film consisted of 20-25 euros. EUR7 for the VHS tape of Orson Welles "The Third Man", EUR4 on fake blood and a fake knife, and between EUR10-EUR15 for the cast who participated for the price of a drink some for coffee and others for alcohol. The rest of the props either belonged to Director Dean Houlihan or the cast members all of which provided their own 80's themed wardrobe for the film.
Alan Mcloughlin's character is seen throughout carrying a paperback novel of A Nightmare On Elm Street volumes 1-3. Alan's character's name is Freddy as a homage to Freddy Krueger. While Laurajane Sherlock and Fionn Noonan's characters are named Tina and Glenn., both of which are character names in the first "A Nightmare On Elm Street" film played by Amanda Wyss and Johnny Depp. John Nolan's character Jason is a nod to Jason Voorheers.
Nedra Cullen-O'Brien's character is named Blair and since she's implied to be a witch in the film it is a subtle nod to "The Blair Witch Project"
Holly Ruth Bailey's character is seen reading Stephen King's Pet Sematary which says on the cover now available on video showing the time frame that it's set sometime in the late 80's.