Neighbors Forever is one of the most popular Croatian tv shows of all time . People usually think this show has bad acting, bad camera, bad plot but the fact is that Neighbors Forever is a show from 2007 and very popular show in Croatia. People that haven't grown up with Neighbors Forever don't know how good was show for its time. People are comparing it to Friends while they don't even understand the humor of the show. People often hate the show for edgy jokes but those people can't handle a single personal joke. For some people show bitange i princeze but the show Neighbors Forever is just better. Bitange i Princeze
have been making episodes since 2005 and the quality
of their camera today is the same as Neighbors Forever in 2007. Those who hate the show don't live in Zagreb or even Croatia. The reason why this show got rating 3.9 on IMDb is absurd. If anyone wants to prove me how a show from 2007 had bad camera quality and how they think that the humor is not funny even though they probably don't live in Croatia then go ahead. But just say to me witch jokes do you find offensive.