What is it going to take to get the writers of this game show to understand that Leslie Jones is just not funny? I don't care if she doesn't miss SNL. That's where she belongs. If she wants to be an obnoxious game show host, then she should do it in a skit, and leave the actual game shows to people who are willing to provide real humor, not forced humor. You could just tell me not to watch it, but I really think that's missing the point. The more obnoxious she becomes, the more likely ratings will suffer. Leslie Jones needs to be replaced, but I doubt that will happen. I also think this show is difficult to look forward to or take seriously, as long as Leslie Jones is the host.
Also unnecessary: Neil, the security guard. Considering this is really a skit, then maybe Leslie Jones really does miss SNL. Does this guy really need to appear in every episode?