- Jimmy Kimmel: My dad is hard to describe. He wasn't a big advice giver. He didn;t cook or, you know, do homework with us or any of those things. Cause he was at work all day. But the weekends were when dad would shine. He's a good guy. He's not dead or anything. I just get chocked up.
- Conan O'Brien: If I'm the expert, this whole project is in terrible trouble. So please tell me you've got better people coming in.
- Conan O'Brien: Let's accept that no father is perfect. We're all making this up as we go along. There's no school for this. It's love and limits. Love them, and then there are times when I have to say "No." Very early on, our daughter, when she was just a baby, I told my wife, "Keep in mind, no matter what we do, she's going to to go to therapy one day, and she's going to complain about us.
- Jimmy Fallon: Having a kid is the meaning of life. It gives you a job. It gives you a purpose. This is my purpose now. This is -- As soon as Winnie was born, I lost my name. I'm not Jimmy Fallon anymore. I am Winnie's dad.
- Neil Patrick Harris: My dad had a very strong sense of his own moral guide of what is right or what is wrong. He was a good dad. Stern, but good.
- Bryce Dallas Howard: I wanna know more about what it takes to be a father and celebrate all the great dads out there.
- Ron Howard: I think children flourish when they know that they are loved. I think children flourish when they're as safe as they can be. And I think children flourish when good examples are set for them. To the extent you can create that environment for kids, I think you're doing about all you can do. Which is, y'know, we all sort of think we're gonna be able to do much, much more. But I don't think any of it it supersedes that big three: love, safety and an example to follow.
- Jimmy Kimmel: I remember that I have children. I know I have four of them. Twenty seven year old daughter named... we're off to a bad start.
- Ron Howard: I think being a father, today, more than ever it's a very fluid thing. I'm not... There are no rules.
- Patton Oswalt: It's this magical, intimidating thing. No let's talk about everything so more people will do it and be better at it.
- Conan O'Brien: This will change your life and be the most meaningful thing that happens to you in your life. And that's all I'm gonna say to you. And then I try to throw one of those smoke things down so I can disappear. But I'm a terrible magician, so the smoke clears and then you see me walk away. And the dramas lost.
- Conan O'Brien: If my dad had come to school in the middle of the day and I saw him, I'd have shit my pants. Cause it would mean either somebody died or I was in incredible trouble. Now, I'm not saying that that was better. I'm not a believer in those were 'the good old days' but there's definitely been a pendulum swing.
- Ron Howard: You just begin to learn that part of being a dad is handling shit. You know? And coping with it, even if it's not pretty. Even if you're not that good at it. Lean in to the job of helping to raise these kids, because everything helps.