I gave this a chance and was sorely disappointed. Basically the entire documentary was the creator feeling sorry for himself because he approached the entire fat acceptance community the wrong way and then whined when he couldn't get anyone to talk with him. He completely disrespected the fat acceptance movement. A great example is this is when he finally got a woman to talk to him and he ran over her interview audio with facts about how obese people are killing themselves, etc. But he didn't do the same with the creator of extremely mean-spirited and offensive content about obese individuals on YouTube. While I agree that obesity may eventually cause health issues, that's not what fat acceptance is about. It's about respecting people's body size and not telling them how they're going to die every two seconds in a public forum like they don't know that they're obese. Obesity isn't just about personal responsibility, it is a systemic societal issue that originates with the overabundance of processed foods that hijack our brains into eating more and pumping us full of chemicals that slowly destroy us. A better documentary to watch that fairly showcases the science of obesity and how the food and diet industries are failing society is The Deadly Obesity Epidemic. This sad documentary is just a whiny little man child complaining about his lack of professionalism. It solely focuses on the health issues of obesity and is rife with fat shaming rhetoric. A complete waste of time. Only people who hate fat people will enjoy this.