In an animated LEGO prequel adventure, Jurassic World's soon-to-be top employees, Owen and Claire, team up to move a trio of dinosaurs across the island for the grand opening of a new, super-secret exhibit.
In an animated LEGO prequel adventure, Jurassic World's soon-to-be top employees, Owen and Claire, team up to move a trio of dinosaurs across the island for the grand opening of a new, super-secret exhibit.
While stranded in the jungle during a massive storm, Claire and Simon unknowingly stumble upon a clue to the whereabouts of the treasure sought by Sinjin.
A Dilophosaurus runs loose in the park's hotel, and Owen and Claire must find it before the guests notice - and before Vic's dino-hunting security team can damage the hotel and the guests.
It's déjà vu for Alan Grant as he returns to Isla Nublar and winds up stranded in the jungle during a dangerous storm with injured Simon and hero-worshipping Owen.
Something mysterious lurking the jungle wrecks a construction site, and Hudson is convinced a ghost is responsible - but it might be something even more surprising.
Danny dons powerful dino-mech armor to dig up Cap'n No-Beard's treasure beneath Mt. Sibo, making him more than a match for our heroes - and a mighty allosaurus that unexpectedly joins the party.
Set before the original Jurassic Park Movie, Dennis Nedry arrives on Isla Nublar and takes a tour of Jurassic Park while the original Jurassic Park Visitor Centre is still under construction.
O.O.P.S.I., the new artificial intelligence running the Park, goes dangerously off the rails, while a thief posing as an intern steals two eggs that contain a new species of dinosaur inside.
Owen scrambles to shut down O.O.P.S.I. before it can do real damage, while Claire and the others hunt the escaped twin dinosaurs - only to become hunted themselves.