Well, as someone who was raised in the evangelical church myself, I find it oddly strange that at my age this is the first time I've ever heard of this group. After watching it all, I can't decide if it gives me the creeps or what. I will say one thing..... how evangelicals have somehow chosen to 'fawn" over Trump makes me just want to vomit and realize just how easy it will be for the Antichrist to come to power. Sorry, that's how I feel. Trump cares no more for them than he does the kids he's caging. On a sidenote, I found it both disturbing and destracting that one of the interviewers in the documentary was just this past year thrown out of our church as the senior pastor for sexual harassment. I also agree with one of the professional reviewers that the entire thing was too drawn out for 5 episodes; it should have been a documentary film instead.