41 reviews
A clue to the worth of this flick and the honesty of the initial reviewers is the universal praise given on the same day. I hope they got change back from the dollar they spent making this...attempt. I've seen better movies shot using an iPhone. If you have nothing better to do than to watch this, you're probably already in a coma waiting to die.
- jm-vincent
- Dec 27, 2019
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- jfrentzen-942-204211
- Jan 27, 2020
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This is probably the dumbest, lamest, most inept and least inspired bit of film making I have ever seen. There are maybe two or three throwaway lines over the paltry running time (and even that's padded as all hell) that are nominally chuckle-worthy. And that's it. I forced myself to watch it to the bitter end, as if I had been dared to sit thru 92 minutes of the most puerile, incoherent nonsense I could possibly fine. The kids should love it.
- ParabolaofMystery
- Feb 16, 2020
- Permalink
Hollywood is just completely incompetent. What a sad state of affairs. They didn't even have enough money to put a 4 decal on the van smfh
... it's a prize work of art compared to the movie!
Ignore the barrage of shills propping this steaming pile up with votes of 10; if you dare start watching, you'll be reaching for a fork to skewer your eyes within minutes.
Ignore the barrage of shills propping this steaming pile up with votes of 10; if you dare start watching, you'll be reaching for a fork to skewer your eyes within minutes.
- Angry_Santa
- Apr 13, 2020
- Permalink
Just as there have been many awful films made on huge budgets, so too have there been many excellent ones made on tiny budgets. Sadly, this isn't one of them.It's difficult to understand why this piece of rubbish received so many 10/10 reviews until you realise they were written by recent sign-ups to IMDb, some of whom also reviewed "Singapore Social" while others didn't even review that.
What can be said about this bizarre offering of American youth? The poor man's "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" combined with too many recreational drugs? One point for the soundtrack. Don't give up the day job, boys and girls.
What can be said about this bizarre offering of American youth? The poor man's "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" combined with too many recreational drugs? One point for the soundtrack. Don't give up the day job, boys and girls.
Not a good movie to watch the plot of the movie is simple but acting is not good enough to rate this movie.
- llooky-66353
- Jan 26, 2020
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Amazing horror movies, great story, and excellent acting...
I recommend this movies as a best
- adetunjiluckyman
- Jan 27, 2020
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I heard about these movies online. And i also try and watch.
But to be sincere, the movies are very worth watching, excellent acting, fun horror movies..
Can't like it less
- philipbone
- Jan 27, 2020
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This story of association of young adult stoners set out on a Roadtrip to a three-day music festival.
This movies is very fun.. To say the trust
- abdullahimarketer
- Jan 28, 2020
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The horror tropes used are more comforting than tedious. Texas Death Trippin' is something audiences do not see enough of today: good mindless entertainment.
- heroicbest
- Jan 28, 2020
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Texas Death Trippin, nice story. Great acting.. Perfect show
My favourite movies..
- brownvalak
- Jan 27, 2020
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The story has a great atmosphere. In any film in which stoner play a prominent role, there has to be a scene in which the audience is taken into the mind..
But they tried a lot
- sundaylookman
- Jan 28, 2020
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Actually hits a nice mix for the most part. The main characters are stoners, so they will say some things that are off the wall. Somehow, even some of the most random moments fit into the context of what is happening.
- almoazimmarketer
- Jan 27, 2020
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The movie walks a very thin line, but it is able to pull off the laughs it is looking for more often than not
I can't stop laugh when watching it
- adhethunjilucckheymhan
- Jan 27, 2020
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A lot of hate from one reviewer that obviously is not For.Or they don't get the stoner and retro look,
its a great fun easy to watch film,quick creative and flows nice,
reminds me of a 80s movie or music video from the 90s,
the positive reviews on the same day is probably because that's the day it became available.
Why go out of your way to be rude or hate and bash instead of encouraging this kind of creative uniqueness in independent cinema....like have you not seen the horrible stuff they makes movies out of nowadays?
This has moxy.
Texas Death Trippin' is a surprisingly enjoyable film. Stoner humor can only take the audience so far before it gets boring..
Recommended to watch
- golprantlux
- Jan 27, 2020
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There are so many horror movies nowadays that watching one can almost be a chore. This one defies all the odds. Not every joke lands, but they do not have to.. But this best movies ever since
- bhuvanlukman
- Jan 28, 2020
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The music is very attractive,
That is why i watch the movies again and again.. But, all the member very trying in acting..
- zeolitepro
- Jan 29, 2020
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It's all over the place, but it has some real funny moments
A good old fashioned fun horror movie
- lucckytunjiade
- Jan 27, 2020
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Have watched this movie severally time and always like to watch it again and again.
Very interesting movies
Am not new, in watching Horror movies. Because little scare and fun for me.. Have watch many tough horror movies but for my opinion this movies is the best I ever watch
- adetunjiishola-87908
- Jan 28, 2020
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In the first, i dont like watching horror movies but my friend told me about this movies. but truly when i watched it, is very interested and i love it movies
- luckymanpro
- Jan 29, 2020
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Texas Death Trippin' does a great job of this. Instead of one scene filled with colors and psychedelics and disorienting visuals, the film subtly has little moments the entire time
- profitbusiness
- Jan 28, 2020
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