24 reviews
- alissacosic
- Nov 6, 2021
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I strongly believe that what was intended here is innovative. This is not your everyday vampire movie, but just because the plot-twist is anything but exciting or mind-blowing.
I can tell that they tried to accomplish some sort of artistic photography, which resulted in the best factor of this film. However, the story is flat, boring and its photography just can't carry the whole film; in fact, it reminded me a lot of Neon Demon and rather interested me into rewatching that movie, which I could definitely say is not among my favorites.
I can tell that they tried to accomplish some sort of artistic photography, which resulted in the best factor of this film. However, the story is flat, boring and its photography just can't carry the whole film; in fact, it reminded me a lot of Neon Demon and rather interested me into rewatching that movie, which I could definitely say is not among my favorites.
It was slow and boring. Never gets anywhere. We gave it over half the time and finally shut it off. Could've been cool, but they just dragged out a seriously boring story.
- terri-63519
- Nov 5, 2021
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- RandomFlux
- Nov 5, 2021
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....for them to stream this steaming pile of crap. This is the Seinfeld film of vampires because it's a film about nothing, as in nothing happens. Absolutely nothing.
- dickassman
- Dec 18, 2021
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This is one of those movies where you read the synopsis and feel, oh it should be a good one. But , I was really disappointed in it after watching this yesterday on Shudder. It's got everything, good looking actors, a decent budget, a story which could've been better on screen but all falls flat. No action, No thrill, No horror,bland screenplay ruins it and makes it almost unwatchable.
Nothing more to say about this , different take on the Vampire genre whichever never feels different.
Nothing more to say about this , different take on the Vampire genre whichever never feels different.
The film has good actors, soundtrack, lighting and a slurred script that seems like it's not going anywhere. But this is one of those rare movies that needs to be watched until the end, when everything starts to make sense. Although everyone is young and at that age they should be eager for adventure and fun, they don't act accordingly. I really liked Aviis Zhong (Lulu) who, although beautiful at 35, shows she has difficulty acting in intimate scenes to the point that even her kiss doesn't seem real. I even thought it could be a cultural behavior from Taiwan, because Ziyi Zhang in 2046 is breathtaking. I would appreciate if someone from Taiwan, who knows Aviis' acting, would clear my doubt..
- Erick_Till
- Jan 10, 2022
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- BandSAboutMovies
- Sep 28, 2021
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Stylistic sketch of vey rich, very beautiful young friends, bored, exploring experience, one of which might transform them into vampires.
Its slick and tricky, I enjoyed it.
Its not a horror movie.
Its slick and tricky, I enjoyed it.
Its not a horror movie.
- jlinzalone
- Dec 3, 2021
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Oh dear God this was awful.
But hey, on the plus side, if you are experience problems with insomnia, then put on "Dead & Beautiful" from writers David Verbeek and Hugh Travers. Wow, this movie was a swing and a miss.
I managed to sit through a staggering 29 minutes of sheer mind-boggling torment of absolute boredom and pointlessness, then I just gave up. This movie offered nothing in terms of interesting characters or appealing storyline.
Sure, the movie's synopsis and the cover/poster for "Dead & Beautiful" seems interesting enough, but the contents of the storyline, the character gallery, the events in the movie, all just failed to deliver anything worthwhile spending time on watching. Do yourself a favor and skip on this movie, especially if you enjoy proper vampire movies.
I can't claim to be familiar with the cast that starred in the movie, nor can I say that what I sat through and witnessed in "Dead & Beautiful" spurred me to want to go out and watch more of what these actors and actresses made. There were no outstanding performances here, as they trotted on like drones in a glass cage. Sure, the blame and fault lands on the writers, as they offered the actors and actresses virtually nothing to work with.
This is not a movie I would recommend you waste your time, money or effort on. I suffered through 29 minutes, and sincerely wish I had just skipped on the movie entirely. And needless to say that this is not a movie that I will ever return to attempt to finish watching.
My rating of the 2021 snoozefest known as "Dead & Beautiful" lands on a one out of ten stars. I hadn't heard about this movie prior to sitting down to watch it, and I can guarantee that this is a movie that will fade quickly into oblivion and never be looked at again.
But hey, on the plus side, if you are experience problems with insomnia, then put on "Dead & Beautiful" from writers David Verbeek and Hugh Travers. Wow, this movie was a swing and a miss.
I managed to sit through a staggering 29 minutes of sheer mind-boggling torment of absolute boredom and pointlessness, then I just gave up. This movie offered nothing in terms of interesting characters or appealing storyline.
Sure, the movie's synopsis and the cover/poster for "Dead & Beautiful" seems interesting enough, but the contents of the storyline, the character gallery, the events in the movie, all just failed to deliver anything worthwhile spending time on watching. Do yourself a favor and skip on this movie, especially if you enjoy proper vampire movies.
I can't claim to be familiar with the cast that starred in the movie, nor can I say that what I sat through and witnessed in "Dead & Beautiful" spurred me to want to go out and watch more of what these actors and actresses made. There were no outstanding performances here, as they trotted on like drones in a glass cage. Sure, the blame and fault lands on the writers, as they offered the actors and actresses virtually nothing to work with.
This is not a movie I would recommend you waste your time, money or effort on. I suffered through 29 minutes, and sincerely wish I had just skipped on the movie entirely. And needless to say that this is not a movie that I will ever return to attempt to finish watching.
My rating of the 2021 snoozefest known as "Dead & Beautiful" lands on a one out of ten stars. I hadn't heard about this movie prior to sitting down to watch it, and I can guarantee that this is a movie that will fade quickly into oblivion and never be looked at again.
- paul_haakonsen
- Nov 12, 2021
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I had it legit make a IMDb account to create this review. I am insulted, deeply saddened and mad that I sat through 1 hour and 40mins of absolute garbage. No real plot, random scenes and that no sense, random conversations, no character development. This movie had a enticing trailer but trust me, this movie it utterly garbage.
This film essentially involves five young adults who happen to be exceeding rich and extremely bored discussing ways to change their situation. With that in mind, one particular woman by the name of "Anastasia" (Anna Marchenko) comes up with an idea and they all head out into a remote part of the country to commune with nature. At least, that is what she initially planned as later that night they are met by a shaman who performs some type of ritual and then after inhaling some smokey substance they all drift into a deep sleep and start having vivid dreams. When they wake up they notice that the shaman is dead from apparent bite marks on his neck and that they all have suddenly grown sharp fangs. Needless to say, this terrifies them and they quickly head back to the city to discuss this sudden turn of affairs with one in particular named "Alexander" (Yen Tsao) wanting to fully embrace his vampiric self-with all that that entails. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I just happened to stumble upon a review of this film by a prolific writer on IMDb and even though his critique was less than enthusiastic I thought I would check it out for myself. After all, the poster and the overall story looked quite interesting and I wanted to see if there was something he might have missed. Well, it turns out his overall assessment was correct for the most part as this film happened to be both long and incredibly boring. It did have some good points, however, as the camera work was exceedingly good and Aviss Zhong (as "Lulu") was not only remarkably attractive but fit the part quite well too. Even so, the film itself never seemed to really go anywhere. Likewise, the ending was totally botched and I was left with more questions than answers. Having said that, while I don't consider this movie to be terribly bad, it clearly didn't realize its potential and I have rated it accordingly.
I'm not sure what I expected in a 'Shudder' movie. But this wasn't it! I love the Asian ladies and downloaded it just because of the cover shot and the Vampire mention. What I got was just utterly ridiculous and insulting. There was no plot. Just spoiled rich kids and randomness.
- collectorofsorts
- Nov 11, 2021
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First of all, and this was really grinding my gears, the title is false advertising. Not a single one of the main cast was "beautiful". The closest thing you got to being attractive with this group was the white dude, and even he was some boy-body twig with an unruly mop of hair on his head. The two females, in particular, looked about as basic as they could get and not at all cute, and really, the only person who came close to being truly good looking was the male escort they picked up halfway through the film. There are dozens of truly beautiful actors in Asia and THIS is what they came up with for a movie with the word BEAUTIFUL in its title? Shame.
Secondly, out of any vampire movie I've ever seen, I have never seen one this absolutely boring, slow and uneventful. Nothing goes on for the majority of the film, and if it weren't for the stunning cinematography, I would have given up on this movie after 20 minutes. As it stands, good shots do not make a good movie, and the lack of action, coupled with some of the worst English I've ever heard (some of their accents were atrocious. If English isn't your strong suit, please stick to speaking your native language, especially in a movie where English is the second of third language for the actors of this film) made this movie a slog to get through.
It's incredible; this movie looked like with the right talent and a tighter, more horror focused script, it would have been something worth watching. What we got is an art house film about a bunch of trust fund lames who just happened to become vampires. It should have been interesting, but it really isn't.
Don't bother with this one, folks. It's just not good.
Secondly, out of any vampire movie I've ever seen, I have never seen one this absolutely boring, slow and uneventful. Nothing goes on for the majority of the film, and if it weren't for the stunning cinematography, I would have given up on this movie after 20 minutes. As it stands, good shots do not make a good movie, and the lack of action, coupled with some of the worst English I've ever heard (some of their accents were atrocious. If English isn't your strong suit, please stick to speaking your native language, especially in a movie where English is the second of third language for the actors of this film) made this movie a slog to get through.
It's incredible; this movie looked like with the right talent and a tighter, more horror focused script, it would have been something worth watching. What we got is an art house film about a bunch of trust fund lames who just happened to become vampires. It should have been interesting, but it really isn't.
Don't bother with this one, folks. It's just not good.
- manuelasaez
- May 12, 2023
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- rerew-99542
- Nov 15, 2021
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For Taiwan product, this totally a bad one. For the past 10 TV movies I had watched, this one is the worst. Horror or sci fic Taiwan has some good ones but this one just poorly produced. I can tell it targets to sell internationally, but just fail.
There really is nothing to this movie. No real storyline, nothing.... the convenience store scene has a funny part.. but in no way was this a horror film.
- novemberth2010
- Nov 15, 2021
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This was awful, sat through it thinking it might get better but nope boring story line and no special effects.
If you want to watch a crap vampire movie go ahead.
If you want to watch a crap vampire movie go ahead.
- ahussain110
- Nov 21, 2021
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Bored of their existence in life, a group of bored teenagers decides to engage in a special trip to the woods for some thrills, but when they suddenly awaken during the trip with fangs and bloodlust they realize that they've become vampires and try to adjust to their newfound status in the world.
There's nothing worthwhile or likable about this one. One of the many problems here is that the film is reliant on attempting to follow some of the dullest and unappealing protagonists in the scene. Very few of the scenes featuring the main group conversing together, whether it's by complaining about the boredom their experience about life or their own personal relationships like they're interesting or fascinating when they're really not. There's nothing about them that makes their journey worthwhile since the entire effort soon becomes a redemption narrative regarding how they're supposedly transformed from bland, dull, and boring into something with substance that's completely unearned. They're just as dull and boring at the end with their vacuous complaining about the same thing they were doing while they were human so nothing changes about them at all the entire film. Most damaging, on top of that, is the fact that there's so little actual vampire action here that the film is just endlessly dragged out and boring. Not only are the characters here dull just prattling on about their lives but the pacing is just as detrimental with nothing happening at all for the vast majority of the running time so those expecting any kind of blood-and-guts gorefest or action-packed showcase of their vampire abilities are completely lacking. Those scenes are so similar to their lifestyle and behavior from before that it's almost not a difference that they've become vampires in the first place which makes the whole thing so pointless that any kind of twist the film attempts to spin about the rich sucking the poor dry. The technical aspects are great to look at and its subversions of vampire tropes come off as potentially intriguing, but everything else here is completely inconsequential.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
There's nothing worthwhile or likable about this one. One of the many problems here is that the film is reliant on attempting to follow some of the dullest and unappealing protagonists in the scene. Very few of the scenes featuring the main group conversing together, whether it's by complaining about the boredom their experience about life or their own personal relationships like they're interesting or fascinating when they're really not. There's nothing about them that makes their journey worthwhile since the entire effort soon becomes a redemption narrative regarding how they're supposedly transformed from bland, dull, and boring into something with substance that's completely unearned. They're just as dull and boring at the end with their vacuous complaining about the same thing they were doing while they were human so nothing changes about them at all the entire film. Most damaging, on top of that, is the fact that there's so little actual vampire action here that the film is just endlessly dragged out and boring. Not only are the characters here dull just prattling on about their lives but the pacing is just as detrimental with nothing happening at all for the vast majority of the running time so those expecting any kind of blood-and-guts gorefest or action-packed showcase of their vampire abilities are completely lacking. Those scenes are so similar to their lifestyle and behavior from before that it's almost not a difference that they've become vampires in the first place which makes the whole thing so pointless that any kind of twist the film attempts to spin about the rich sucking the poor dry. The technical aspects are great to look at and its subversions of vampire tropes come off as potentially intriguing, but everything else here is completely inconsequential.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
- kannibalcorpsegrinder
- May 22, 2022
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Vampirism has always been a moral parable about the wealthy, and sometimes the old (i.e. Eternal life) feeding on the poor and the young.
So, to recap, this is a painfully obvious, lame "social experiment" about a bunch of bored narcissists and sociopaths with more money than sense to see how far they'll degrade into violence and cruelty if they imagine they're vampires.
What is new about this? Aside from the global cast (three Asian people and two Europeans) and the 21st century backdrop this is the same old story rehashed for a new generation. In fact, it's worse than that, because it's just so obvious unless you're a kid or slow on the uptake.
So, to recap, this is a painfully obvious, lame "social experiment" about a bunch of bored narcissists and sociopaths with more money than sense to see how far they'll degrade into violence and cruelty if they imagine they're vampires.
What is new about this? Aside from the global cast (three Asian people and two Europeans) and the 21st century backdrop this is the same old story rehashed for a new generation. In fact, it's worse than that, because it's just so obvious unless you're a kid or slow on the uptake.
- thalassafischer
- Sep 20, 2023
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I'm so shocked and disappointed when i learned that Blom was in this movie! I was checking out Blom's Imdb page and found out he's in this rubbish movie and I refuse to believe it!! His movie Boys is the best movie and this one is the total opposite of that.
Lesson learned do not stalk IMDb pages or you will be disappointed!! Im going to pretend this did not happen to me at all because im planning on watching the movie Boys for the rest of my damn life.
Lesson learned do not stalk IMDb pages or you will be disappointed!! Im going to pretend this did not happen to me at all because im planning on watching the movie Boys for the rest of my damn life.
- leonpersephon
- Feb 5, 2022
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I guess now we know why its in the Horror genre for all the people wondering. Its cheap at $9.99 but i don't think is worth the effort or money.
The cinematography looks great but thats it. Just watch the Trailer and you will see they didn't even bother on explaining what the he11 this movie was about.
The cinematography looks great but thats it. Just watch the Trailer and you will see they didn't even bother on explaining what the he11 this movie was about.