This Racing Life
"This Racing Life" is set in the back roads of Iowa, and dives into local grass roots racing in America. The story revolves around two young racers, McKenna Haase and Gage Stevens. This shor... Read all"This Racing Life" is set in the back roads of Iowa, and dives into local grass roots racing in America. The story revolves around two young racers, McKenna Haase and Gage Stevens. This short film looks into how communities bind together around dirt racing, but even more than tha... Read all"This Racing Life" is set in the back roads of Iowa, and dives into local grass roots racing in America. The story revolves around two young racers, McKenna Haase and Gage Stevens. This short film looks into how communities bind together around dirt racing, but even more than that, this is a story on courage, loss, addiction, and grace.