This series was created by ex-pat Canadian Tim Addison in 1994, who, living in Prague and noting that the Czechs drink more beer per capita than any other nation, and had no sitcom of their own, modeled the show, whose name in English translates to "Pub", on the popular American 90s TV Sitcom, Cheers. Tim Addison was never credited, the laws on copyright were nascent at best. The show was number one in the country for many years - with reruns continuing to draw large audience share throughout the 90s.
Miroslav Donutil was originally considered for the role of the landlord Jonás, but was not cast due to his excessive fee requirements. The part was eventually played by Václav Knop.
Milos Kopecký was originally cast as the pensioner Mr Horácek, but his very poor health led to his recasting by Lubomír Lipský.