29 reviews
Well, I must say it was more than I expected- what a title! A quick description would be a mash-up of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes. This is classic low budget horror flick that ticks all the boxes for clichés(- see Scream!). The storyline is simple, four teenagers happen upon The Albino Farm and then the horror begins.
I won't say all the acting was bad- I'll just say not everyone was bad. In fact both the female performances were stellar- esp. semi nude scene- which was blatantly a body double. It kept me watching. I will admit the film was so bad that I stopped it playing twice. Maybe it was the shame of realising I actually wanted to know where this tripe was going or it may have been anger- that someone actually made this for my enjoyment.
Was it worth watching? It might be better than watching nothing. I've seen much worse than this.
I won't say all the acting was bad- I'll just say not everyone was bad. In fact both the female performances were stellar- esp. semi nude scene- which was blatantly a body double. It kept me watching. I will admit the film was so bad that I stopped it playing twice. Maybe it was the shame of realising I actually wanted to know where this tripe was going or it may have been anger- that someone actually made this for my enjoyment.
Was it worth watching? It might be better than watching nothing. I've seen much worse than this.
Four college friends decide to stop of in a bizarre back-woods town full of people with birth defects while heading deep into the Ozark Mountains for a class assignment, entranced with these 'freaks' the group decides to investigate further much to their own detriment. The film is based, albeit extremely loosely, on the real Albino Farm. Also for any wrestling fan who only want to see it for Chris Jericho, you'll be disappointed as he's not in the movie much despite getting top-billing.
This is a dark film. Not really in subject matter, just that a good deal of the last half of the film is night time and more than a tad hard to see. This of course hampered my enjoyment of the film somewhat, but what I could see wasn't all that bad for a low-budget "Hills Have Eyes" clone. Some of the special effects were surprisingly effective (not counting the atrocious cgi towards the end of the film) and the acting was mediocre, yet well done enough for a film of it's ilk. There's absolutely no doubt that this movie won't set the world on fire, but it's competent enough to warrant a rental for undiscriminating fans of 'hillbilly horror'.
Eye Candy: Alicia Lagano's body double briefly flashes her breasts and Bianca Barnett gets topless but she's in 'pig bitch' make-up
My Grade: C-
MTI DVD Extras: Commentary by Co-writer, directors, producers Joe Anderson and Sean McEwen & co-producers Barry Curtis and Jason Stewart; a 24 & a half minute Behind-the- scenes featurette; a written essay on the legend of the farm; cast & crew bios;and trailers for this movie, "Pandemic", "Metamorphosis", "Killing Ariel" & "Cash"
This is a dark film. Not really in subject matter, just that a good deal of the last half of the film is night time and more than a tad hard to see. This of course hampered my enjoyment of the film somewhat, but what I could see wasn't all that bad for a low-budget "Hills Have Eyes" clone. Some of the special effects were surprisingly effective (not counting the atrocious cgi towards the end of the film) and the acting was mediocre, yet well done enough for a film of it's ilk. There's absolutely no doubt that this movie won't set the world on fire, but it's competent enough to warrant a rental for undiscriminating fans of 'hillbilly horror'.
Eye Candy: Alicia Lagano's body double briefly flashes her breasts and Bianca Barnett gets topless but she's in 'pig bitch' make-up
My Grade: C-
MTI DVD Extras: Commentary by Co-writer, directors, producers Joe Anderson and Sean McEwen & co-producers Barry Curtis and Jason Stewart; a 24 & a half minute Behind-the- scenes featurette; a written essay on the legend of the farm; cast & crew bios;and trailers for this movie, "Pandemic", "Metamorphosis", "Killing Ariel" & "Cash"
- movieman_kev
- Nov 24, 2009
- Permalink
This has been on cable late at night and I finally sat and watched it all tonight. Creepy horror movie and the acting is NOT bad. 3 out of 4 of the main characters have impressive Hollywood resumes so these actors are not no talent bimbos. This movie is actually watchable.
Simple story about 4 young adults that go looking for an "albino farm" in a town full of hillbilly's and misfits. They run across a seemingly nice old lady who tells them stories about the town but it turns out she is just as weird as the whole town. Make-up on the creatures is good and this movie is not cheesy like many of the genre. Script is not stupid either and somewhat believable.
If you are up at night and see it come on, watch it.
Simple story about 4 young adults that go looking for an "albino farm" in a town full of hillbilly's and misfits. They run across a seemingly nice old lady who tells them stories about the town but it turns out she is just as weird as the whole town. Make-up on the creatures is good and this movie is not cheesy like many of the genre. Script is not stupid either and somewhat believable.
If you are up at night and see it come on, watch it.
I don't understand why financiers would waste their money (not to mention time)to provide us with such inept film work. I was unfortunately sucked into this grim tale by my curiosity about he mystique and legend that surrounds the Ozark terrain.
After the opening credits (which were good, thats why it gets a 2, you start noticing the shoddy camera work and FX, jeez these were bad. I in fact thought that this was in fact a parody of movies in this Genre (in the vein of Sam Raimi or even the Wayans Bros) until i realized that this was in fact horrible attempt at entertainment. The actors were absolutely atrocious, I wanted them to get slaughtered especially the white dude. Someone inviting that much trouble ought to get it. But let me tell you, you are going to have to wait for some gore, its only in the latter part (past 40min) that you will get a dose what i consider the worst CGI i have ever seen, worst than a Mark Dacascos movie. The make ups on the deformed people where so bad, you could in fact notice that they were wearing masks. MASKS, you gotta be kidding.
As for Y2J, he acts better on a WWE episode than he ever will in a movie. The Rock, Cena even Kennedy have managed moderate to big budget roles, the rock has even made it his full time career, i don't understand how Y2J would pick a crappy movie like this. Don't believe the hype, believe the word.
Bottom Line, on my top 10 crappolla list just behind the 5th Commandment, and in front of 10 Dead Men. Jeez Louiz
After the opening credits (which were good, thats why it gets a 2, you start noticing the shoddy camera work and FX, jeez these were bad. I in fact thought that this was in fact a parody of movies in this Genre (in the vein of Sam Raimi or even the Wayans Bros) until i realized that this was in fact horrible attempt at entertainment. The actors were absolutely atrocious, I wanted them to get slaughtered especially the white dude. Someone inviting that much trouble ought to get it. But let me tell you, you are going to have to wait for some gore, its only in the latter part (past 40min) that you will get a dose what i consider the worst CGI i have ever seen, worst than a Mark Dacascos movie. The make ups on the deformed people where so bad, you could in fact notice that they were wearing masks. MASKS, you gotta be kidding.
As for Y2J, he acts better on a WWE episode than he ever will in a movie. The Rock, Cena even Kennedy have managed moderate to big budget roles, the rock has even made it his full time career, i don't understand how Y2J would pick a crappy movie like this. Don't believe the hype, believe the word.
Bottom Line, on my top 10 crappolla list just behind the 5th Commandment, and in front of 10 Dead Men. Jeez Louiz
What could've been a very crafty and very intelligent piece of horror turns into a very formulaic and very familiar piece of the slasher film genre we see far too much of. Albino Farm's premise is interesting, but the execution is very poor, and we can see the movie struggle to maintain its short eighty-five minutes by delaying action until around forty minutes in.
Albino Farm takes forever to get going, and when it does, you only wish it had more to offer. The film focuses on four teenagers (Sursok Lagano, Richey, and Bala) who venture out to document the Ozark Mountains for a school project. When the duo get a flat, they head out to a gas station with a strange, unsettling owner who warns them to turn back. One of the dumbest, cockiest, lame-brained teenagers in recent memory convince the gang to travel up to see what the hype is about.
They stumble across the town of Shiloh, which looks like a ghost-town. They learn that many of the town folk fear a legend called "Albino Farm." The teens split up with two going in search of the farm, and two going in search of a church. After doing the genius thing of getting picked up by a hick and two identical twins, they are taken out and abandoned at the Albino Farm. Let the horror movie clichés, jokes, antics, and chase scenes begin.
I believe this film is based off of the legend of a group of College students adventuring around the Ozark Mountains and never returning home. Either this is the legend itself, or a followup to it. Whatever it is, it is poorly executed.
Low budget horror films can't be critiqued by their budget. What you have it what you have, and I believe I shouldn't penalize the producers, directors, etc for working with what they had. I can respect that. But so much is done poorly. In order to believe the characters, you have to throw logic out the window. What makes you want to venture out to the deep part of the Ozarks in the first place? Curiosity kills the cat, and when you stumble upon creepy woods, it's likely to kill you as well.
The sound editing is messy. One point there is dead silence, the next moment the bass almost blows your speakers followed up by very dim talking. Your remote may need to be in your hands at all times for this. Not to mention, the pitch dark lighting may call for a brightness tune up. What a temperamental film. You need to pretty much modify everything on your TV to be satisfied while watching Albino Farm.
This also seems to be influenced by every redneck-slasher film on the market today. Throw three great horror films like The Hills Have Eyes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Wrong Turn in a blender and it'll spit out this mediocre horror flick. Creativity is here, but the execution is like a dog on a leash fighting to inch itself closer to its desired destination while the owner is tugging back. Imagine the producers as the owner, the movie itself as the dog, and the destination being "typical redneck film schlock." There's a metaphor that will sum this up.
The makeup effects is where this film starts to redeem itself in quality. The effects on the creatures are realistic, but then the film wants to add some digital effects on some of the people. You can pretty much do that on any free editing system, and do it a lot better. Not being a Mac user, I still am sure this can be done one way or another on the Photo-booth program that comes free with the computer. They can do that, but they can't add some sort of effect to brighten up the scenery.
I can tell the crew were serious about making this film like the legend or something close to it. They didn't fall on their neck as much as they fell on their face in their attempts with this. Albino Farm, still, could've been great b-movie horror. What we have here, is just lazy editing and a lazy script ripping off so much of every other movie in its genre. It's a copy of a copy.
Starring: Chris Jericho, Richard Christy, Tammin Sursok, Duane Whitaker, Alicia Lagano, Nick Richey, and Sunkrish Bala. Directed by: Joe Anderson and Sean McEwen.
Albino Farm takes forever to get going, and when it does, you only wish it had more to offer. The film focuses on four teenagers (Sursok Lagano, Richey, and Bala) who venture out to document the Ozark Mountains for a school project. When the duo get a flat, they head out to a gas station with a strange, unsettling owner who warns them to turn back. One of the dumbest, cockiest, lame-brained teenagers in recent memory convince the gang to travel up to see what the hype is about.
They stumble across the town of Shiloh, which looks like a ghost-town. They learn that many of the town folk fear a legend called "Albino Farm." The teens split up with two going in search of the farm, and two going in search of a church. After doing the genius thing of getting picked up by a hick and two identical twins, they are taken out and abandoned at the Albino Farm. Let the horror movie clichés, jokes, antics, and chase scenes begin.
I believe this film is based off of the legend of a group of College students adventuring around the Ozark Mountains and never returning home. Either this is the legend itself, or a followup to it. Whatever it is, it is poorly executed.
Low budget horror films can't be critiqued by their budget. What you have it what you have, and I believe I shouldn't penalize the producers, directors, etc for working with what they had. I can respect that. But so much is done poorly. In order to believe the characters, you have to throw logic out the window. What makes you want to venture out to the deep part of the Ozarks in the first place? Curiosity kills the cat, and when you stumble upon creepy woods, it's likely to kill you as well.
The sound editing is messy. One point there is dead silence, the next moment the bass almost blows your speakers followed up by very dim talking. Your remote may need to be in your hands at all times for this. Not to mention, the pitch dark lighting may call for a brightness tune up. What a temperamental film. You need to pretty much modify everything on your TV to be satisfied while watching Albino Farm.
This also seems to be influenced by every redneck-slasher film on the market today. Throw three great horror films like The Hills Have Eyes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Wrong Turn in a blender and it'll spit out this mediocre horror flick. Creativity is here, but the execution is like a dog on a leash fighting to inch itself closer to its desired destination while the owner is tugging back. Imagine the producers as the owner, the movie itself as the dog, and the destination being "typical redneck film schlock." There's a metaphor that will sum this up.
The makeup effects is where this film starts to redeem itself in quality. The effects on the creatures are realistic, but then the film wants to add some digital effects on some of the people. You can pretty much do that on any free editing system, and do it a lot better. Not being a Mac user, I still am sure this can be done one way or another on the Photo-booth program that comes free with the computer. They can do that, but they can't add some sort of effect to brighten up the scenery.
I can tell the crew were serious about making this film like the legend or something close to it. They didn't fall on their neck as much as they fell on their face in their attempts with this. Albino Farm, still, could've been great b-movie horror. What we have here, is just lazy editing and a lazy script ripping off so much of every other movie in its genre. It's a copy of a copy.
Starring: Chris Jericho, Richard Christy, Tammin Sursok, Duane Whitaker, Alicia Lagano, Nick Richey, and Sunkrish Bala. Directed by: Joe Anderson and Sean McEwen.
- StevePulaski
- Jul 21, 2011
- Permalink
One word comes to mind - CHEAP. I saw this movie because I heard WWE's Chris Jericho was in it. I am actually shocked that such a big name would agree to be in this garbage. I honestly believe anybody off the street could do a better job than the director did on this movie. The actors are terrible, I can ensure none of them will get any more roles in movies after this disaster. The movie looks like something you could achieve by running around in open fields with a camcorder screaming. AVOID this garbage at all costs. It's a terrible rip-off from movies such as Wrong Turn and Hills have eyes. Chris Jericho can't act, his accent changes half way through the movie and he looks like a complete JOKE....a PRO WRESTLER and looks to be about the same size as these stupid college kids. I just hope the budget was no more than $20 because thats how bad this really is.
- Capt_Horror
- Jun 26, 2009
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After you have seen so many horrors and become some how addicted, you wouldn't mind watching a below average horror movie because you just wanna sit and watch something that's supposed to be horrifying. This movie has nothing new at all. It's everything else u've seen; Wrong Turn, House of Wax, the hills have eyes, the devil's ground, etc...
There is no single element of surprise in the movie but it's still a horror movie that only has a new title and you are so addicted to horrors that you wouldn't mind watching.
Gotta admit it though, that there is no horror scenes at all! There are some not good horror movies but which at least have one or two good scenes. Not this one though.
There is no single element of surprise in the movie but it's still a horror movie that only has a new title and you are so addicted to horrors that you wouldn't mind watching.
Gotta admit it though, that there is no horror scenes at all! There are some not good horror movies but which at least have one or two good scenes. Not this one though.
- poolandrews
- Dec 11, 2009
- Permalink
I actually thought this film was pretty good. It had a strong story and kept my interest. I had fairly high expectations for it and was not disappointed. There are some things in it I had never seen in a horror film. I think the direction was good as well as the acting. I did think the ending could have been a little tighter. I see where the filmmakers were going with it and what they were trying to accomplish but again, I would have liked a different ending. I also thought the make was fantastic. They created some characters and monsters that were quite memorable. I also thought all the stuff dealing with the bible passages was clever. Overall, I would recommend seeing this film.
- dbborroughs
- Dec 5, 2009
- Permalink
I always watched Tammin Sursock on Home and Away years ago, it's such a shame that her career has not moved forward. This movie feels like it was filmed on someones home video camera. The cheapness is the main thing. It's just unpleasant to sit through. It feels like The audio was horrible and the continuity was often off, with characters moving ever so slightly in most scenes which was noticeable and annoying to watch. I don't know why you would agree to make this movie, I have worked on film sets before and you can tell when people know what they are doing or not, these people clearly were rushing. Even watching a sitcom is more realistic and fun to watch. Take "Dead Set" the British TV series for example, that was not a huge budget production but was an awesome adventure to watch. The camera angles have been taken into account poorly for the cheap cameras.
A rushed and cheaply filmed movie with no passion. 3 stars.
A rushed and cheaply filmed movie with no passion. 3 stars.
- garyoakpokemonmaster
- Oct 26, 2009
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- harry-austin
- Oct 12, 2009
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- cheflounder77
- Feb 4, 2010
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If you go down to the woods today, something nasty will happen, and if you are familiar with the genre you will know more or less what. It starts with four of them on the road trip - two guys and two girls - this one apparently for some sort of school project. And they happen upon Albino Farm unwisely ignoring the warnings of the locals to leave town PDQ.
The main problem with this film, but far from the only one, is that most of the action happens in the dark, so even if you understand what's going on, you can't see it. Aside from that, "Albino Farm" is just awful, not even the soundtrack can save it.
The main problem with this film, but far from the only one, is that most of the action happens in the dark, so even if you understand what's going on, you can't see it. Aside from that, "Albino Farm" is just awful, not even the soundtrack can save it.
Four students head to the southern backwoods populated by freaky rednecks for a school project but stupidly seek out Albino Farm, a place where some seriously deformed looking hicks live. If you have seen any of the Wrong Turn movies then you know what to expect, only this one is far worse than the worst of those. The students are not only annoying characters but they are played by people who clearly cannot act. The freaks themselves do look pretty scary, however the picture is very dark and it is often difficult to see what is happening, which isn't much to be fair. Nowhere near as gory as the Wrong Turn movies, this is a very poor movie.
- Stevieboy666
- Mar 29, 2021
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- nogodnomasters
- Jul 25, 2018
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I couldn't believe in my eyes when I first see the first comment about that film on this page in which somebody has written that the film was cheap. In my opinion the freak characters was looking so real that I think I am going to see them in my nightmares tonight. The end was good and the plot was SO good. Especially the women freak and the baby freak have so frightening looks. I will never forget the old lady who was feeding the frightening looking baby and also I liked the freak girl dancing sexy first then showing his creepy face. At the end the priest....... ha ha ha of course I wont tell the end of the movie see it for yourself
- emelsimsek74
- Sep 25, 2009
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While attempting to uncover a series of local urban legends for a class report, several college students stumble across the horrifying truth behind a small town's past of deformities and freaks and race to escape before they fall victim to the same source.
Overall, this one wasn't too bad and definitely has it's moments, especially once they arrive at the titular location and they start getting attacked, which is a lot of fun due to the different types of stalking techniques employed throughout, from running by in the background to traps being laid out and all kinds of different torture and bloodletting done that makes for some pretty nifty gore from time to time. However, despite all the attempts it tries in the beginning to make it feel creepy with it's set-up for the town's inhabitants, it just comes across as a one-note gag repeated for about forty-plus minutes and makes them look ever more stupid and idiotic for willingly staying around when it's much more logical to leave, and it has a few other issues to work out there as well, but it's still not all that bad.
Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity
Overall, this one wasn't too bad and definitely has it's moments, especially once they arrive at the titular location and they start getting attacked, which is a lot of fun due to the different types of stalking techniques employed throughout, from running by in the background to traps being laid out and all kinds of different torture and bloodletting done that makes for some pretty nifty gore from time to time. However, despite all the attempts it tries in the beginning to make it feel creepy with it's set-up for the town's inhabitants, it just comes across as a one-note gag repeated for about forty-plus minutes and makes them look ever more stupid and idiotic for willingly staying around when it's much more logical to leave, and it has a few other issues to work out there as well, but it's still not all that bad.
Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity
- kannibalcorpsegrinder
- Sep 16, 2012
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- heatheroffdead26
- Oct 6, 2009
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Picking this film up you most likely were seeking out a B-horror film such as myself. After reading the back of the case I quickly realized that this film was in the "torture" genre which I do not favor but moved into the movie with optimism. The movie takes a slow approach, building atmosphere with bizarre images, run-ins with the locals, and even takes a stab at a little bit of character development. The gore does not actually begin until a good 40 minutes into the film, which some may consider bad and some good based on their opinion. Even after the gore began I still enjoyed the movie as it did not entirely abandon its atmosphere for blood and guts gross out scenes as many do. This isn't to say there are not some nasty scenes. I was also surprised to not see a single rape or sex scene which is another overly used piece in gore films today, although their are three brief moments of nudity.
The acting and script was impressively tolerable, even believable at times.The characters are as you would expect, extremely typical horror cast of teens, the macho douche, the smart girl, the dumb girl, and the innocent guy. These character arche types can all feel a bit forced. The scenery and towns folk were well set up to fit the eerie desolate atmosphere.
Overall I was pretty impressed with the films quality and kept me entertained the whole way through. You can still expect the usual tripping when the chase scenes begin and the seemingly suicidal stupid decisions as with any B-horror or horror film in general but otherwise this was pretty decent, entertaining, kinda fun. 6/10 overall for Albino Farm from me. Hopefully from this you can make your own decision if it is worth a watch.
The acting and script was impressively tolerable, even believable at times.The characters are as you would expect, extremely typical horror cast of teens, the macho douche, the smart girl, the dumb girl, and the innocent guy. These character arche types can all feel a bit forced. The scenery and towns folk were well set up to fit the eerie desolate atmosphere.
Overall I was pretty impressed with the films quality and kept me entertained the whole way through. You can still expect the usual tripping when the chase scenes begin and the seemingly suicidal stupid decisions as with any B-horror or horror film in general but otherwise this was pretty decent, entertaining, kinda fun. 6/10 overall for Albino Farm from me. Hopefully from this you can make your own decision if it is worth a watch.
- chaosbaron
- Apr 24, 2010
- Permalink
Thats Right Wrestlings Fans, a movie starring WWE legend Chris Jericho!! Not the bloody Rock again or dodgy Triple H! But multi-talented singer and actor Jericho. Im a big fan, and was so-so surprised and chuffed when i saw this movie by chance starring Chris, i had heard very little about it. The Film also stars the gorgeous hot and curvy former actress of Home and Away Tammin Sursok, who is a good actress. The acting in the flick is actually very good! not cheesy. It takes awhile for Chris to appear but once he does, he doesn't disappoint. I like how his character is portrayed, and not what i was expecting it to be. Chris could definitely get away with making more films in particular more horrors! The future looks bright for him.
If you are a fan of the WRONG TURN trilogy, then i would definitely recommend this! they are similar and shouldn't disappoint you! I like the country style redneck style horrors with cannibalistic freaky characters, that are inbreds. They make a good horror. I recommend this.
If you are a fan of the WRONG TURN trilogy, then i would definitely recommend this! they are similar and shouldn't disappoint you! I like the country style redneck style horrors with cannibalistic freaky characters, that are inbreds. They make a good horror. I recommend this.
- ThatsGoodInnit
- Jan 25, 2011
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I saw Albino Farm on cable late last night, and was pleasantly surprised. Four college kids in search of a local legend, which turns out to be the Albino Farm. Also known as Wrong Turn 4, this film featured the usual cannibalistic killings, and something else that is not the usual; some very fine acting performances. Most notably, an impressive turn by wrestling star Chris Jericho. While not his usual handsome self, his performance added a chilling component to the films otherwise predictable plot line. The film did have some interesting murder sequences, as well as the clever use of a particular Bible passage that helped the four main characters solve the mystery of the Albino Farm. Tammin Sursock also gives a credible performance as the main heroine of this shocker. Not bad for a straight to video feature!
- michaelasiclari
- May 4, 2013
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