19 reviews
Four formulaic female characters are thrown into danger by... their grandfather? He manipulates the girls into going into a magical forest, against their parents' wishes, and then cheerfully says "and so it begins". Five minutes later, giant creatures are trying to squash our heroines. WTG, grandpa! Well, in a way I do understand the guy. None of the actresses know how to act and the script doesn't help them either. Each character in part reaches levels of annoying that are hard to comprehend. Stuff like "I have to go back to my little sister" "Nah, she's fine, she's with a nonhuman magical character we met 2 minutes ago". The effects are ludicrous, too.
As a student project it's a great achievement, but as a movie it's unwatchable. I rated it "so bad it could be funny, if watching properly intoxicated".
As a student project it's a great achievement, but as a movie it's unwatchable. I rated it "so bad it could be funny, if watching properly intoxicated".
Not a bad movie for kids, but at times the volume of the music far outweighs the voices, making it almost impossible to understand what's being said. The use of subtitles was almost a full-on requirement. Hard to believe that in this day and age this got through passed post-production and onto the final cut. The soundtrack's OK, but shouldn't have overplayed the voices. If it wasn't for this it would have received a higher score. Were they aiming for a Grammy with the soundtrack? Visual effects are okay, the plot was quite predictable with only one real 'surprise' revelation. Kids will probably enjoy it, and on the plus side with the soundtrack booming at you, you won't hear your kids.
- shaun_leahy
- Feb 13, 2023
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This show had good potential but the plot was weak, just like my knees are after doing 30 squats. The casting wasn't good either, it was terrible acting. None could convey the correct emotions for the scene they were portraying. Felt like I was watching students of a drama school performing a skit. Also we couldn't find a better fit for Pamphilos? The ending eluded to a sequel but I just don't know how they can recover from this disaster. Such a shame, was looking forward to more Narnia type category movies. You can play this movie as white noise if you're multi-taking or need a show on, just cos.
- storybrooke-73187
- Nov 6, 2022
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I generally try find something good about a movie, but this doesn't have much going for it at all. Poorly borrowed storylines, bad quality imagery and CGI, bad acting...
There are several storylines borrowed from other stories, very badly stitched together.
The quality of scenery and CGI would have been better if they acted in front of a TV screen.
The sound quality in many places seemed like they were recording in a bathroom.
With very few exceptions, the acting was extremely weak. They made the weak characters seem even worse as a result.
Overall, an extremely weak storyline dragged out, making a short story very long.
The quality of scenery and CGI would have been better if they acted in front of a TV screen.
The sound quality in many places seemed like they were recording in a bathroom.
With very few exceptions, the acting was extremely weak. They made the weak characters seem even worse as a result.
Overall, an extremely weak storyline dragged out, making a short story very long.
- sparky-75248
- Dec 31, 2023
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I feel like this film is trolling the intended audience. If you were hoping to see something high fantasy, don't bother. There are pilots more well made than this film. Terrible acting, sloppy effects, awful narrative and probably some of the worst scenes ever put under the Lionsgate name.
This film is a nepotistic journey through an industry that has become so lost in itself, that it actually thinks the public will enjoy it. It's the only reason I could see anyone letting this trash leave the studio, let alone have money thrown at it. It's a terrible piece of film making that really does exemplify that it's all about who you know in the industry. There's very little 'film making' in this necrotic frankenstory that borrows from just about every high fantasy film it can afford to.
This film is a nepotistic journey through an industry that has become so lost in itself, that it actually thinks the public will enjoy it. It's the only reason I could see anyone letting this trash leave the studio, let alone have money thrown at it. It's a terrible piece of film making that really does exemplify that it's all about who you know in the industry. There's very little 'film making' in this necrotic frankenstory that borrows from just about every high fantasy film it can afford to.
So, the story seems absurdly simplified. If it were a book, it's age group would be 7-9 year olds. The "bad guy" never even attacks... he just stands there and asks politely for the magic rock that ends the universe, a couple times. Everything about the movie was *ultra* low effort. CG was *terrible*, and you could tell they were on a greenscreen the whole time. Like the greenscreens that pod-casters use... The acting was poor, but not terrible. Story was childish... like written by a 9 year old for 9 year olds. Dialog and plot was just pathetic.
It's watchable, if you're bored, but don't expect anything of even "barely acceptable" quality.
It's watchable, if you're bored, but don't expect anything of even "barely acceptable" quality.
- fibulator777
- Dec 1, 2022
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- malpastahlia
- Aug 28, 2023
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All of the four main characters just go along with everything almost as if it was some everyday stuff happening to them.
There was no deep conversation anywhere, main characters just go along with the story as it happens to them - they are not making any decisions.
Even nearly-adult just messes up inside of the house like a well-raised 10 year old wouldn't. I mean shooting arrows inside house? -- come on.
The story just lacks any content. No tension, no surprises, all is reasonable predictable.
It is my belief that this topic could easily make a nice series, so the writers must be very bad to make such 'basic' plot.
There was no deep conversation anywhere, main characters just go along with the story as it happens to them - they are not making any decisions.
Even nearly-adult just messes up inside of the house like a well-raised 10 year old wouldn't. I mean shooting arrows inside house? -- come on.
The story just lacks any content. No tension, no surprises, all is reasonable predictable.
It is my belief that this topic could easily make a nice series, so the writers must be very bad to make such 'basic' plot.
- karlosslaj
- Nov 20, 2022
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- parbjorkman-92443
- Nov 28, 2022
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Seen better, seen much, much worse. Some reviewers are taking this movie way too personally. Zysis's scathing review piqued my curiosity, so here I am adding my two cents, after an objective viewing. It's a kid's movie, good enough for TV or family friendly cable. The actors did their jobs. The director, who knows? They weren't going for an Oscar. The FX is low budget (definitely Saturday afternoon CGI quality), but forgivable. As I have said before, I've seen much, much (did I say much?) worse plots and performances pawned off on the public for their viewing pleasure.
Everybody needs to lighten up. Take chill pill folks.
Everybody needs to lighten up. Take chill pill folks.
- pjones-76486
- Oct 19, 2022
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There are some very harsh reviews here but if you like the adventure genre, it's not that bad a movie. So 4 children arrive in a fantasy world as guardians of time and meet creatures in this magical world. It's similar to Narnia, except it isnt that wellmade, unfortunately... The first half part is great and I wished it would continue, because this movie actually had the potential to be as entertaining and great as narnia. But the acting and story/script in the last part - maybe the last 20 minutes is pretty disappointing. Still, I like the genre and would overall rate it a little above average and would recommend this movie only if you like fantasy movies - otherwise you ll be disappointed.
- mjoergphone
- Nov 25, 2022
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- nogodnomasters
- Oct 22, 2022
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The movie might have been okay except we couldn't hear over the music. Particularly near the end it was impossible to hear what any character was saying. It was a silly movie for sure but there is no way that a sound person should completely ruin a movie like this. When you watch it until the end and then it gets really bad it actually makes you mad that you wasted your time watching the first part. It was almost to the point that it must have been sabotage by the sound person or complete incompetence. Either way don't bother wasting your time with this movie, it sucks. Overacting and silly lines are often forgivable with a lower budget movie but the sound made it completely unwatchable. Keep in mind I cannot give it a zero or I would.
- Kryptonite-Dragon
- Dec 25, 2022
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This movie can easily be categorized as "B-movie" with very bad acting very bad directing and very bad editing and bad everything even the soundtrack. I really lost my nerves and patience watching this very very bad movie.
Taking 4 girls to an adventure is really a bad thing to start with, making them 2 white and 2 black makes it even worse as its not likely to happen, and making the smallest one (and worst actor..) the smartest ?? Really ?? What were you thinking ?
Please don't waste your time on it. I don't know what they were thinking when they approved it and when they released it. Indeed - Unwatchable.
Taking 4 girls to an adventure is really a bad thing to start with, making them 2 white and 2 black makes it even worse as its not likely to happen, and making the smallest one (and worst actor..) the smartest ?? Really ?? What were you thinking ?
Please don't waste your time on it. I don't know what they were thinking when they approved it and when they released it. Indeed - Unwatchable.
I feel like if I didn't comment on this movie, I'd have time to watch this movie. It was very worthless. This film is for children and unfortunately I read the deception of his poster. Actors in this one are worse than the other. And I would pierce my eyes with a knife and we wouldn't see that. I don't know what happened to people now, it doesn't respect the audience at all. Or the producer with a gun threatened to produce this damn film. Or don't know if he lost to a gamble. And the point of considerable consideration of these kinds of CJ films is that it's very fallen in this problem. Please, N.
- omarali-01039
- Dec 3, 2022
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- pietclausen
- Oct 11, 2022
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I enjoyed this movie. It reminded me of Narnia. The cast was very talented. The special affects were pretty good as well as the storyline. Would've like to see more of a backstory on the main characters but it didn't take away from the movie. The casting director did an amazing job. All of the cast members seemed to work well together which definitely made this movie so enjoyable. The dragon and raptor looked as realistic as Jurassic Park and The House of the Dragon. I would've loved to had seen more of the dragon although it was on the screen for awhile. The raptor had a lot of screen time which was good.
- stephanie_wal-04572
- Oct 15, 2022
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Form is the main point that depends on very different details in a picture. And certainly when there's a film with an adventure and fantastic elements that is not possible in very big production work the humour is the only thing. That can save it with nostalgia some times. Form depends on the size more than everything . And when we have a very small film we can make it better more handsome and interesting. We could even make it a masterpiece. I don't see any differences between watching this movie and read the adventure best books , ... . Form is something that makes it. Acting is not important in such a movie.
- mhranfrahmd
- Oct 12, 2022
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