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Camp Rock (TV Movie 2008) Poster

(2008 TV Movie)

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Not worth all the hype...
shani_luvs_movies20 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Although this was at times a cute movie (mainly because of the Jonas brothers), my friend and I found ourselves laughing at the movie more than laughing with it. Maybe it's because I'm no longer in the pre-teen age group the movie was suppose to reach out to and I was only watching it because nothing else was on, but I thought the plot was unoriginal and extremely predictable. Sure, the Jonas Brothers added to the musical value and it had a few great songs in the end but the sound editing made it sound like the performers were lipsynching(who knows,some might've been).

The clique was annoying and extremely one-dimensional, and it was even more annoying to see the lead actress lose herself and try so hard to fit in. I'd give it an B for effort but it pretty much sums up the movie with the fact that the most entertaining part was seeing the blonde girl and Jo Jonas trying to fake cry.
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Predictable Yet Entertaining
HollisterNights20 June 2008
Okay, DO NOT get me wrong. I love the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato to death but honestly, it feels like this film is missing something. I know this is supposed to be a Disney Movie and that it has been endlessly compared to High School Musical but I have to say that... High School Musical carries an element of magic that is missing from Camp Rock.

The songs are all catchy and entertaining and unlike the unpredictability of a musical, when the characters sings: It makes complete sense. The acting is mediocre, there were points where the actors delivered completely while in others, their ability comes into question.

The movie itself was relatively interesting and kept me vaguely hanging, even though there were times where I just got up and walked around (got food and refreshments). Shane Gray is a convincing jerk. Overall, you can see where the movie was headed from the moment it started. But it carries you through the movie and you believe that there is such a camp out there (which is something we all wish).

I NEVER said that the movie was bad, just predictable and half-hearted. But no matter what, THERE IS SOMETHING TO ENJOY.

Even though I was jealous of Demi Lovato when Joe Jonas sang to her lakeside. & I had to pause my DVR when he got out of the lake because well... look at him.

Watch the movie and you'll find something you'll like but don't come in expecting Oscar standards.
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Not worth it
trillionare1221 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to see the premiere of Camp Rock, because I figured that it would be a fun, music filled movie featuring the Jonas Brothers. But I was greatly disappointed.

Camp Rock is about a girl named Mitchell Torres. She isn't very popular, doesn't have many friends, and her family is a little poor. When her mother announces that she is to go to Camp Rock, a camp for inspiring musicians, she is thrilled. When she gets to camp, she finds out the pop star sensation Shane Gray will be instructing there. Unlike all of the other girls, she doesn't fall all over him. Then one night before dinner, Mitchell starts playing the piano and singing on the deck, thinking that no one is listening. But Shane is, he's hiding behind a bush. He thinks that the song Mitchell was singing was just the type of music that he likes, but when he goes to see who was singing it, Mitchell is gone. So that Mitchell will be popular, she gets herself into a bundle of lies that her mother is president of Hot Tunes in China, etc. Then she befriends Shane and when he finds out about all of her lies, he gets mad at her, and all of that jazz. Then at the end they sing together and all of that. See? Even my short summary sounds cheesy, like the flick.

Anyway, this movie isn't worth your time so don't watch it unless you like movies that can make you fall asleep. My rating: 4/10
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For a camp that supposed to rock no one can play instruments...
sillybilly2148621 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was very surprised at how bad they added the music to this movie. The scene by the water where he's singing to her with his acoustic where did the bass and background vocalists come from? Also the cast doesn't know how to lip sync to the songs, nor do they know how to play guitar (Peggy during her solo playing an E major almost the entire time up and down the neck of the guitar) and the strumming of the guitars never matched up to the music playing. The dancing dancer looked like she was thirty.

The movie never had a beginning she wakes up sings...acts like she goes to school then boom she goes to Camp Rock.

This movie was great to make fun seemed like Disney took recycled scripts from Hannah Montana and other Disney shows and made them into a movie that seemed to be poorly edited and unoriginal. The rich snobby white girl is overdone in ever Disney show and typical plot line to follow..they made the one Jonas Bros (the not so popular one..Kevin) and made him dumb and as flamboyant as Carson Kressley.

I'm sorry Disney but you could've put more time into this movie instead of rushing through it to make a quick million. Save your time people don't watch this.
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Preditable Mess
seniorrah0821 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I am giving this movie a "2" is because of the singing. The voices were very good, but the actors were not. Predictable roles: disapproving daughter, outcast, two girls ruled over by one "teenage drama queen", the cute troubled boy, and of course, the poor parents who happen upon giving their daughter (who is the disapproving)the chance of a lifetime. Disney movies are not what they used to be. I grew up on the classics; Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White, and Aladdin. I did watch High School Musical, and was impressed. The sequel was a disappointment, but to be honest I only watched it to see Zac Efron. (a bit shallow, i know). I did watch Camp Rock, only because it was sooo heavily advertised and I wanted to see what the big deal was. High School musical was incredible for a few reasons: Little known actors who could really act, incredible voices, although predictable it was well scripted, cute people (shallow again), and left the audience with a positive message. Camp Rock, while incredibly predictable : SPOILERS!!!!! AHEAD:

-Poor Parents tell disapproving daughter she cant go to Camp Rock -Poor Parents tell disapproving daughter she can go to Camp Rock if she helps as a "Cinderella" in the kitchen with her mom -Disapproving daughter lies and lies and lies -Disapproving daughter is friends with hottie -Disapproving daughter is found out after hanging with the "in-crowd" -Disapproving daughter is dumped by hottie -Disapproving daughter gets into trouble by "in-crowd" leader -Disapproving daughter sings and in noticed by hottie -"In-crowd" leader is not all that tough -"In-crowd" wanna by leader sings and is crowned winner. (totally surprised by this honor OF COURSE!)

Camp Rock may have been better if the Jonas Brothers had not been apart of it. This may have been a publicity stunt, and they are just NOT actors. They can seriously sing. But COME ON! Disney has left me with two hours torn for me that I can never get back.

If you are contemplating on seeing this movie, let me make the decision for you; buy a couple of songs from the soundtrack and call it good. Don't waste your time.
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Camp Rock = Camp Lame
ellabella032827 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
WOW! And to think that I would've believed that an over-hyped movie would live up to its...well..hype. But apparently, I was wrong. Disney Channel's latest 'Original' Movie "Camp Rock" was just a bunch of overplayed characters, over-used themes, and Demi Lovato over doing that song "this is me". We get it, we get that "this is me" and that "we rock" but why is it you, or why do you, indeed, rock?

Disney tried to capture that same HSM magic, but FAILED! Royally. The plot was very over- predictable.

1) Daughter is set on going to a notorious camp for the summer. But then cant b/c her parents can't afford it. BUT by some predictable twist of fate, she is able to go anyway 2) cookie cutter popstar is a 'bad -boy' b/c he wants to sing and write his own music, so he is sent to camp to try to change his ways, but magically changes them overnight. 3) Popular It-girl and her posse disregard mitchie until she tells a lie about her mom. then she is included until she is found out.

I could go on and on but I really don't want to waste my time. There are so many loose ends with this movie that I wanted to cry. Or SCREAM for Kenny Ortega (HSM, Newsies choreographer) to comeback and save this movie. But sadly he does not.

Demi Lovato does have a nice voice, But does she really need to sing the SAME SONG like 30 different times in the movie? is it THAT necessary?

Joe Jonas wasn't THAT bad of an actor, but he did need some assistance. And like it has been mentioned before, there was little to no connection between him and lovato.

Tess Tyler (what is her real name?) over did the rich snotty white girl role. And she was like that because she didn't get attention from her super pop star mom, so she had to get attention from everyone by anyway that she knew how. Then come to find out in the end, she didn't need to act that way and apologizes an in un-ironic way.

Allison Stoner could've definitely gotten more air-time.

The whole movie itself could've used come help in the creativity department. Like for example, they had different themed "jam"s like the Beach Jam, the Campfire Jam, or even Final Jam. COME ON Disney GET ORIGINAL!!! Come up with something different.

And as far as the music and dancing goes, well, this was no high school musical. The music was very original and very lip-synched. In one of the final jam songs, Hasta La Vista, the girl with the really long last name with the shiny top, yea that was definitely not her voice that was singing. The girl that played Peggy, cant play a guitar even if her life depended on it. When people performed their songs, there always sounded like there was a band playing behind them, but there never was. And who goes to camp in Heels, Leggings, Jewelry and too many accessories that even a celebrity would have (yes i did see this in another comment, but it does bring up a valid point) Ugh, even writing about this movie is making me frustrated. Over all, this movie needed a complete re-do, make over, or like i said before Kenny Ortega. There were characters that didn't need to be there, and there were some that were over looked or even cast wrong. But the cheesy writing, cheesy songs, cheesy acting jobs did score Disney with the highest selling soundtrack on iTunes right now and Its biggest audience for a DCOM to date. (second to camp rock was HSM 1)
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Doesn't Rock Completely, but Not So Disappointing.
adidasplayya21 June 2008
Face it, the majority of viewers were Jonas Brother fans. Nothing wrong with that at all, in fact, it was probably the movie's selling point.

However... The script was poorly written. Unrealistic moments and scenes are embedded throughout the movie, Camp Rock sitting at the top of them all. The plot was VERY predictable, and lines seemed forced and very, well. PLOTTED. haha. The Jonas Brothers made their appearance, as promised, but don't expect any acting close to Zac Efron's or Shia LaBeouf's. Joe Jonas, playing the main protagonist, is not meant to be an actor. His voice is mediocre and sounds nicer with backup vocals and guitar. Nick Jonas seemed robotic (why were his swim trunks so short?) but Kevin Jonas played a pleasing and likable airhead.

Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff and Shia LaBeouf have left Disney. Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are on the way out. Disney has come to realize that they can't keep depending on the JoBros and Hannah/Miley Cyrus to reel in the cash. So, they introduced a new, but not-as-cute as Hilary Duff face: Demi Lovato. Okay, she's not edgy and charismatic like La Lohan, not NEARLY as exotic as Hudgens, and not as experienced and cheeky as Cyrus, but hey! She did okay. Her voice is good enough to be unforgotten, but also be hard to remember. I'm happy they didn't use her best friend, Selena Gomez, who is another tool in Disney's attempts to recreate lovable shows that don't come close to Lizzie McGuire or Even Stevens.

Anyways, the music's simple, sounds familiar, but is fairly pleasing. The acting (including MORE not as talented faces)is mediocre and slightly painful at times. (Excluding Alyson Stoner, who was probably the best) I don't recommend watching the movie more than twice, because by then, you'll know each line, each verse, and each forced laugh, and fake diss. This doesn't rock completely, but it's not so disappointing either. :)
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powerdragonmaster21 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an embarrassment to music. Every song in the movie was clearly lip synced. The voice in the songs didn't even come close to matching the characters' voices. From what I can tell, the characters are all terrible singers and know nothing about music. They sang their cheesy, repetitive, annoying songs in some studio, their voices were heavily edited to make them sound good, and the music was dubbed in. If Disney wants to do a musical, maybe they should find actors that actually know how to sing. Second of all, why did they call their little concert things "jam sessions?" A "jam" is where many talented musicians play together and simply improvise for a while. Everyone trades off solos, and it's not perfect. A jam is not a rehearsed event where everyone is doing a choreographed dance and pretending to play the guitar. Awful and embarrassing. As a musician, I find this absolutely atrocious. The only reason I watched the whole thing was because the girl is very pretty (don't worry, I'm a high schooler).
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Not as good as high school musical or teen beach movies but not that bad
trikinawel8 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie today at the beginning it was OK but i actually felt that it was too long because the music is not as good as Disney channel other movies like teen beach movies but there are some pretty good song especially the duet between Mitchie and Shane it was the best song in the movie i didn't like the choreography so much but at least the message of the movie was good camp rock is about a girl who want to spend her summer vacation at a musical camp called camp rock i liked that Shane wants to discover who is the mystery girl who is singing because that reminds me of Eric from the little mermaid when Ariel sings to him and he want to be with this mystery girl with the great voice so i liked that from the movie over all it's not so bad but not as good as other Dcoms.
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Will not be the next "High school musical"
MelRocks21 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I admit, they were probably trying really hard to make this movie liked by everyone, but it's just not that.

Even after watching just the first few minutes of the movie, everything seems unnatural and forced. Plus, nobody really creates a full song and their outfit just a few minutes before school.

The singers are very good, and I'm just disappointed that they went to Disney to start their careers. Also, Joe Jonas is an okay singer, but not an actor at all.

Also, the Jonas brothers being put together for a final song seems very cliché!! Expect your kids and friends to be wearing chunky jewelry, high heels, sparkly tops, and leggings to camp instead of jeans and a t-shirt, be prepared to buy more suitcases. :) It's a very disappointing movie with music that is tolerable, and a rushed storyline, but it will never be as good as High school musical.

Plus, there's a lot of shoulder bopping and what not.

Thanks, Anonymous
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Don't listen to those not so nice reviews..... Warning: Spoilers
I disagree with the people that wrote bad reviews before me.

The movie was funny, and while I didn't LOVE every song, They are all good. ANd might I add that Disney Channel is supposed to be geared toward 7-17 year old kind of range. Are ANY of you in that age category? So maybe the songs that don't appeal to you, do appeal to an eight year old. Moving right along...The movie gave you the unexpected. I for one, thought Tess (Meaghan Jette Martin) was going to steal Mitchie (Demi Lovato)'s song. But that didn't happen. I also thought that Shane (Joe Jonas) and Mitchie were definitely going to kiss towards the end. ANd while there was at least two places I thought they were going to kiss, they did not. And we ALL thought Mitchie was going to win in the end.

I would definitely recommend you watch the movie. Go see Camp Rock for yourself. DOn't judge the movie by what people say on here. Who can be a better judge of what you like than you? :D
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Has things to say but they lie underneath a lot of cheesy dull acting. Great music and choreography though!
quiqueperezsoler10 April 2020
I basically consider it a guilty pleasure as with High School Musical and the rest of Disney Channel Original Movies, I grew up with it. These definitely would be dispensable if not for having some themes and good messages for kids, teens and even young adults in some occasions. Although most of these repeat themselves a bit, themes like be who you are no matter what society expects or its norms, don't lie to your friends, don't opt for the easy way out or don't make the more money-oriented-but-hated decision.

Personally I'm a sucker for breaking-the-norms feel-good movies like these. At times the dull and badly acted scenes might drag a bit but when they break into song or at the time of conveying the message it's loud and clear, and fun!

What saves this movie is definitely the music. And also I can't condemn it because it sort of has a place in my heart and my memories. Unfortunately and contrary to other childhood movie revisits I have recently done, it doesn't warm my heart as much as others have like Annie 1999 and High School Musical. I learned a lot with it when I was a kid and I recommend it for kids to watch, it's timeless.
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Worst Disney Channel Movie Since Cheetah Girls 2
hellosunshine22 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I do not want to put too much spoilers in my summary so I will just summarize the horrible acting, singing, and awkward dancing involved in this horrible made for TV movie.

So basically the movie is the first acting experience for the JoBro's and sadly for me they failed terribly. Joe Jonas being the main character who attends a rock camp called Camp Rock. He meets a girl, Mitchie, (played by Demi Lovato) who is a worker at the camp. Quick summary would be that he hears a voice, likes it, tries to find the girl behind the voice, finds her, likes her, rude blonde girl tries to breakup their relationship, she spoils Mitchie's secret and everybody finds out she works at the camp to pay for her admission, Mitchie is kicked out of the group performance, a ton of awkward dance and singing pieces are spread throughout the movie, Mitchie apologizes, the blonde mean girl becomes nice, and they all sing a happy, energetic, and group orientated song together. This basically sums up the whole movie.

The acting was horrible and WAY over the top. The singing was great because Demi Lovato and the JoBro's can singing (obviously). But the dance sequences were all very awkward and strange. This movie could've used Kenny Oretega's help.

All in all, the movie was very cheesy and was very uncomfortable to watch. Forgot to mention that it had a lot of plot holes that did not make sense.

Horrible Disney movie that was WAY over-hyped.
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SugarCubes83121 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well... I expected this to be HSM redone and it was pretty close, but more different than I had originally thought. I figured I'd watch it, if it became HSM a quick flick of the channel could save me, but I managed to sit through the whole thing. I was also worried because Family realllyyyy hyped it up, they had done the same with The Latest Buzz which, in my opinion, is probably the worst show I've ever seen.

Demi Lovato was a pleasant surprise. Her acting wasn't that bad and her singing was pretty good. Alyson Stoner was also very good. Meaghan Martin was pretty good too. Anna Maria etc. I think did a fair job considering her character had a lot of really bad cheesy lines and I didn't end up cringing. I liked the songs a lot more than the songs from both HSM.

The Jonas Brothers didn't impress me at all, but I didn't expect they would considering it was basically just advertisement for them. Joe was OK although choppy, Kevin was given a potentially funny character but he really disappointed me, Nick just seemed like a useless character put there to give Nick a role.

There were a few plot holes that bugged me. It annoyed me how it was advertised as a musical but wasn't one. The songs did very little for the plot, you could have taken them out and the movie would have still finished the same way more of less.

Cheesy, predictable, over advertised... but bearable
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Bland and Predictable - Doesn't measure up to High School Musical
itsmrhippo22 June 2008
Insert sadface here. This rockin' was supposed to be so much more than it lead on, but it really failed to deliver. I'm quite sad to say that Camp Rock may not be a failure to Jonas Brothers fans and teenage girls, though compared to other Disney Channel Movies, it just does not deliver.

The story starts off with Michie Torres, a girl that desperately wants to attend a Rock and Roll camp, and subplots Joe Jonas being throw back into his old stomping grounds before he became the hotshot that he is in Connect 3.

Right in, they establish the characters of Michie as the shy girl, and the rather rude Shane Gray. It seems that cliché character development only kicks in after a few scenes, for little to no reason at all. The work done by the actors was relatively decent, with a few small exceptions. However, having to deal with a horrible script like Camp Rock, is a task in it's on. The film tries to create conflict with an enemy that nobody really cares about, or has any ill feelings for. The mark of good character development is to love your enemy. Perhaps Meaghan Jette Martin had a scene or two that was cut that really showed us that she had such feelings for her family.

Camp Rock has all your normal stereotypical Disney children in it. Your hero(in), the hero's sidekick, other friends introduced for comedic value, the hero's enemy, and the enemies cronies. Disney does not fail to deliver an overdone plot of being ashamed of your family and how lying is bad. Blah blah blah... Girl lies, gets out casted, expresses remorse and sticks up for herself. Haven't seen this stuff in a Disney movie before! Nope, not me! Lastly, the music. Though it is somewhat strange that a rock star would be a hip hop teacher at a rock and roll camp, I found that it worked for the most part. Most of the songs are forgettable at best until the finale, as many musicals are. Though, these select songs make this movie re watchable and marketable for Disney. It will probably launch *a* career...

I'm quite sure it's got to be just a big Jonas Brothers promotional video. I'm sure the funds raked in for this film will also be astronomical much like its musical counterpart, High School Musical.

All in all, the story is boring and forgettable, but some of the songs you'll be singing to your self after seeing the film once or twice (or perhaps 20 or so, if you know Disney Channel). Watch this once, definitely, to see if it's your cup of tea. But it didn't quite do it for me the way HSM did it for the rest of the world.
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Nice Try
wtf-seriously15 July 2008
I decided to watch this when I was bored one night, being a 20 year old female college student I was obviously not the chief demographic, but I enjoyed High School Musical enough, so I thought I would give it a shot.

The only emotion this movie invoked was the urge to slap the blonde, who was wonderfully venomous and probably was my favorite character in the movie because she at least brought some reaction out of me. The music was incredibly average, also I was disappointed that Alyson Stoner didn't get to dance more, she's wonderful.

So at the end of the movie I was even more bored than when I started, annoyed by Demi Lovato's smile, and feeling let down. Obviously younger audiences will love the Jonas Brothers and the inspiring plot, but the terrible execution of an okay plot pretty much killed the movie for me.
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A timeless classic..
Callum52524 September 2014
First off just let me say this is one of the best films I have ever seen!

Camp Rock delivers a great story line along with some clever humour. The songs on it are great.

Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato (the star of the show) were great together. I thought they were what made this film work so well.

Now, Demi Lovato. She was superb in this film. Her singing was great and her acting comparable to that of Robert De Niro in his prime.

One thing I will say is ignore the other reviews which slate this film. I am not a great fan of this particular genre but this was great.

I regularly re-watch this movie as it is that good, I highly recommend it.

This is real, this is me...
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let's not hate
SnoopyStyle9 September 2018
Mitchie Torres (Demi Lovato) is desperate to attend the prestigious Camp Rock. She is overjoyed when her mother gets a discount by working in the kitchen. She is befriended by Caitlyn Geller (Alyson Stoner) but she abandons her to be a follower of snooty selfish Tess (Meaghan Martin) who has a famous mother. Like everyone else, she falls for celebrity counselor Shane Gray (Joe Jonas) who is trying to rehab his damaged public reputation. He overhears her singing and falls for her without actually seeing her or knowing her identity. All the while, she is hiding her poor kitchen help background from all the other kids.

Demi Lovato is a thing. The Jonas Brothers is a thing. I was never into that thing. I'm not a hater. That's not my thing either. It's nice to see the origins of these things. Everybody has the energetic sincerity. These young performers have good charisma. The story is a mash of various underdog, Cinderella, musical things. It's all very sincere and appealing in that try-hard way. It was supposed to be the next High School Musical and it faltered as that. The everybody gets along happy ending is too saccharine and it devolves into a glee club grind. Nevertheless, let's not be haters.
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Did you really think it was going to be good?
sugarwhitegirl129 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't thing "Camp Rock" was going to be that good, and was not planing on watching it, but the night it premiered there was nothing else on so I tooned in.

If you were flipping thew the channels you would be able to tell it was a Disney Channel flick, because by the time we reach the 1st minute the maine proson Mitchie(Demi Lovato) is all smiles, and is just running around her room........ smiling.

Another thing about this movie which is bad(not to me as much as the real fans) is the fact that this is not a Jonas Brother movie, even though it was sold as a Jonas movie. Now I'm not a fan but I know the real fans must have been un-happy.

Don't watch it
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Havent seen it in ages . Good
lisafordeay19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Camp Rock was the film that introduced me to both Demi Lovato and The Jonas Bros. The film is about a teen girl named Mitchie (Lovato) who wants to join Camp Rock which is a camp where different musical groups are formed. Mitch later meets Shane Gray(Joe Jonas) who hears Mitchie singing This is Me and wants to find the person who sings this song. But will Mitchie's new friends like her for herself as her mom happens to be a chef at the camp.

The acting is decent,the songs are good yet its amazing to watch this solely for Demi and the Jonas Bros who have all matured and moved on.
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Classic Disney - kind of
CrocketD32121 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, lets be honest. Disney has completely lost all integrity. What happened to the days of "Even Stevens", "Lizzie McGuire" and the original episodes of "That's So Raven"? Even Nickelodeon has been catering to the fan bases that seem to care less about the quality and entertainment value of the show and more the instant gratification of the stars behind it (although they are not nearly as guilty). It seems like anywhere between 1988 and 1999 was the pinnacle of kids television. I'm not sure what happened, helicopter parents, decline in intelligence, global warming, but cheap romance and canned laughter for lines like "Ya' think? " on "Hannah Montana" rule the day. What's funny about that, the fact that she's southern?

Camp rock is hypocrisy beyond words. The title as stated various times before is the greatest example. Rock, try a misunderstanding of the genre, which lead to obnoxious pop and hip-hop songs.Demi Lovato was pretty good, actually. She has a beautiful voice and is a decent actress. Plus, she was in love with one of the Jonas Brothers which will probably get her thousands of "Facebook" adds from desperate teenage girls. The "Jo Bros" on the other hand, one word: awful. Joe Jonas tries to prove he's not a "cookie-cutter pop-star", but he seemed pretty formulaic to me. The whole group is pretty bad. Nick whines when he sings, Kevin doesn't do that much, Joe is just clearly eye-candy (again for the desperate teenage girls) and their songs are short, bubblegum pieces that make me sick every time they come on the radio. They ruined Kim Wilde's "Kidsin America" (aka "Kids of the Future). Sorry, that's not an example ofhypocrisy; that's heresy.

Overall, the music was bad, the singing was inconsistent, and the story was horrendous. I'm not going to give anything away, but it was bad. Demi Lovato stood out as the star, and even Alyson Stoner could have used a little bit more screen time. I'm getting sick of Disney Channel, it's ruining itself. It's immature and has not artistic or entertainment value. What happened?
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This movie takes place at Camp Rock. A camp where all the voices come together. Going to camp as the cooks daughter. Mitchie makes up lies to become cool.
Turtle139421 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was definitely worth the 3 month wait. It had the biggest stars. It had the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lavato, and some other future artists. This movie brought in the popular to become friends with the "losers" . I think that they should make a Camp Rock 2. It WAS the Disney movie of the year. When it comes to DVD I will be the first one to buy it. Hey, I already got the CD. They all played an awesome part. I mean who'd ever think that Joe Jonas can act. He surely did good. We all know Demi Lavato can act because of As The Bell Rings. They all did very well. If you didn't watch it your missing out A LOT. The beginning may be slow to you but when they get to singing it gets very interesting.
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Its been awhile.
zacharychitwood29 March 2018
It has been quite some time since ive seen this movie last, but i loved this movie when i was younger. I love the songs and i like the story. It´s not as good as the HSM movies but it´s pretty good.
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Camp Rock Review
music23220 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit, even though i'm not a big fan of Disney channel movies, I still look forward to them. Once the movie was finally over, I knew it was a disappointment.

THE MUSIC: To start off, I know good music when I listen to it, and this movie does not have good music. I am not a fan of the hip-hop/rap kind of music. This movie is called camp ROCK, not camp HIP-HOP. I am sorry but I expected and I wanted rock music. There was only one song that came even close to rock and that was the finale WE ROCK and i'm still a little pushy on that one. Besides that, it was either pop, hip-hop, and a little rap.

ACTING AND SINGING: As for the acting, it was okay. I felt that the actors weren't really getting into there part. SINGING: The only singers who I have heard in this movie are the jonas brothers, so there were some new voices to me. Demi's(mitchie)voice, her voice sounded really raspy, like she needed to clear her throat, but she's obviously lip syncing. Didn't impress me, i've heard better. Tess Tyler's voice, well it's hard to say because I hate the type of songs she was singing but if she could just change her style I would like it.

PLOT AND CHARACTERS- Now the plot could've been really good but it just made the movie boring. It could've been better if they would stop focusing on the characters and their problems. Which brings me up to characters, now is it just me or do the characters seem to be the same in every Disney movie. There's a girl who doesn't fit in. The really popular and snobby girl and the two girls who hang out with her. Don't forget that cute guy everyone loves. It's always this way with Disney channel movies. They stick with the same types of characters and it doesn't seem to entertain me.
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JoBros....why did you come into this?
jskellingtonpirate1323 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let me start by saying that I am a fourteen year old girl who loves the Jonas Brothers. I love them to death, me and my friends have arguments about which of us is gonna marry Joe or Nick (Sorry,'re cool, just not our type.) and me and my one friend almost cried when we couldn't see it on Friday and had to resort to watching a taping. But...this was painful. I started groaning when I found out we still had an hour left to watch, and I'm writing this while watching it because I couldn't take anymore and needed something else to do.

All right, for the first order of business, I would like to say how amazing it is that all the campers have the ability to mix their voices without any equipment. I really wish I could do that, because it's pretty awesome.

Next on our list is the JoBros. I have already stated that I love them to death, but I hate their characters in this. Joe, the funny, sweet one, has been transformed into this...diva. Joe is not a diva (divo?), and he doesn't do well playing a diva. And then Kevin. I like Kevin, I respect Kevin. Kevin is a gentleman. He seems very sweet and smart (I don't know him personally, so I don't know.) But...I felt bad for him, because they made him a really stupid, really gay-sounding (My friend calls him gay all the time, but I don't think it's true), just...he's like...London from the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. I HATE Suite Life, so this is really hard for me to say about any Jonas, but it's true! And then Nick, the sweet, down-to-earth Jonas, well...he's just kind of there. Seriously, their performance as Larry, Moe and Curly Jonas on Hannah Montana was better than this. They're just guys, Disney! Let them just be guys!

Now, the next thing I would like to discuss is Demi Lavato (I think I might have misspelled that. Forgive me, Demi Lavato fans, of which I am not.) I think she did fairly well for her first big DCOM, but her character...I kept cringing through the whole thing due to her lies, her quick fall into popularity, her inability to see that Tess HATED her!! Ugh...really. And that one song! You know, the "This is real" song? Geez! Find another song, girl! Maybe something that's maybe...oh, I don't know...ROCK?! Not, as Joe tactfully put, "cookie-cutter pop"? Seriously, who wrote this script? Speaking of her and Joe, they were just disgustingly sweet. I wanted to gag so many times watching them together.

Finally, let me address how the girls fought in this. Real teenage girls DON'T fight like that. I speak from experience, because I know how to fight like a teenage girl, given that I am one. Us teen girls, we don't throw spaghetti on people we hate. We talk. We spread rumors, we stab each other in the back, talk behind each other's backs, and, occasionally, we might have a cat-fight. But we DON'T throw spaghetti. That's

And, before I leave you today, I would like to sum up everything by saying what everyone else has: This was obviously intended to be the new High School Musical, and it failed. I don't even like HSM, but I can respect it. It's good enough that you want to make fun of it, and I respect that. But's just bad. I CAN'T make fun of it, because it's already done that for me. Here's one thing that I liked in HSM that I hated in this. Tess, who is obviously Sharpay 2.0, goes from being a total...witch (Keeping it Disney-sponsored here.) to being this nice, shy girl. One thing I liked about Sharpay is that she pretty much stayed mean throughout. Sure, at the end of the movie, she had kind of repented, but she was never outright NICE (except when she hugged Zeke at the end of HSM 1). But she bounced right back to being a blond witch in HSM 2! And she's gonna be mean in HSM 3, I know it! She is a mainstream mean girl, and she stays like it! But...who knows? Maybe you need a gay twin brother with a billion hats to stay mean.

Well, in all, I give it a 3/10. The music irked me, and the acting made me cry. The only reason I even give it a three is because I laughed when Joe tried to cry. And when Kevin and Nick started fighting during the phone call. It was so out of character, it made me laugh. So...I don't recommend it. Not at all. Go watch High School Musical instead. Even if you hate HSM, it's better than this crap.
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