Greetings, salutations, and welcome to my reflections and recommendation of House of Shadows.
Story: 0.25/2 - Direction and Pace: 1.25/4 - Performances: 0.50/2 - Enjoyment: 0.75/2
Total 2.75/10
One word describes this picture best - Boring.
This reflection is the first time I've felt loathed to write a consideration after watching a movie. As I keep thinking, what's the point? The main objective of a film, a book, a song, or any other form of entertainment is to entertain. From there on in, everything else is secondary because you have to keep the viewers' eyes and brains engaged in the story and on the screen. The writer-director fails miserably. I should've known what was to come after watching the opening sequence, where Sarah meets with a solicitor and receives the deeds to the house. It's one of the worst-written and most unrealistic scenes I've ever watched. It's made worse because the director didn't even decide to develop the set. The pair meet in a small nondescript undecorated empty room over a cheap and tacky table. The Solicitors I've visited have pleasant premises, usually filled with book-filled shelving and cabinets. One used to bring his dogs to work with him. It was great; you'd go for a meeting, and you'd end up petting the canines for most of the appointment. That guy was smart. It's hard to get or stay angry when you have a wide-eyed mutt looking up at you expectantly with its tail wagging ten to the dozen. Something as honest or as silly as that would've added realism. But it smacked of, oh, I thought about this scene - film, that scene. And that's how the entire picture feels: No preparation, no imagination, and no thought extended past the original ideas. Because of such, the dialogue suffers the worst. It took only a couple of minutes of the two lovers talking to each other for me to wonder why they're together. There's no chemistry, and their chitter-chatter shows nothing but disinterest. It's not helped any by the thespians' portrayals. Most of the time, they look and sound bored, except for Harriet Madeley, who plays the mysterious Anna. Sadly, she's the only actress who attempts to act, but you can see her intentions, which is terrible. What's worse is that she overcooks every line. Had the other performers given more robust performances, it would've eased this handicap. Because they merely stumble and mumble their way through the film, it stresses the negative aspects of Madeley's performance, which is a shame because she's actually pulling her weight. I have much respect for her effort.
But nothing except hitting the off button could make this movie more enjoyable. Therefore, I suggest staying away from the House of Shadows as it's Boring As F. Check out my Absolute Horror list, as there should be a better movie listed there to titillate your entertainment glands.
Please check my Absolute Horror list to see where I ranked the movie.
Take Care, Stay Well, And Merry Christmas.