- Lead Merc: You rich can hide behind your steel walls, no more! Powerless, how's that feel? It's the *real* purge! THE FOREVER PURGE!
- Dylan Tucker: [in disbelief] You Can't Fight Them By Yourself
- Xavier: [ruefully shrugging] My People... We've Been Fighting Them For The Past Six Hundred Years
- Elijah Hardin: Speak English! I will cut your throat! Speak-
- [Juan grabs him in the neck with the rope and Dylan grabs his arm with the rope]
- Dylan Tucker: I got him.
- Juan: [cocks gun] Does this translate? Pendejo.
- [Juan shoots Elijah in the head]
- Dylan Tucker: I need to get to my wife. What are you looking for?
- T.T.: We Mexicans leave signs all over a city to help each other.
- Juan: Adela is following them. If we want to find our wives, we should do the same thing.
- Elijah Hardin: Look what we got here. A couple of bad hombres.
- Mother Hardin: Well, I'll be. There's two of us and two of them. That right there is what's wrong with this country. What do you want to do about 'em, Daddy?
- Elijah Hardin: Why don't we give our fellow Americans here an opportunity to redeem themselves?
- Mother Hardin: Yeah, I like the sound of that.
- Elijah Hardin: Let me explain. You kill the brownies, and the two of you can live and stay here in this great God-loving country. Help us purify this nation once and for all. That's what the Ever After Purge is all about.
- Dylan Tucker: Fuck you, redneck.
- Cassidy Tucker: [after giving birth] It's a girl.
- Dylan Tucker: It's a girl?
- Cassidy Tucker: You wanna hold your daughter?
- Dylan Tucker: Can I?
- Cassidy Tucker: Please.
- Juan: You don't like me, do you, Dylan? You don't like Mexicans.
- Dylan Tucker: What are you talking about, Juan?
- Juan: Come on. Be honest. Let's... how do you say this? Slice the shit.
- Dylan Tucker: Cut the shit?
- Juan: Cut the shit. Yeah.
- Dylan Tucker: You wanna cut the shit with me?
- Juan: I wanna cut the shit with you.
- Dylan Tucker: All right, I'll cut the shit with you, Juan. I got no problem with Mexicans. But I will say I don't understand your culture just like you don't understand mine. God's honest truth, I don't think white people are any better or worse than anybody else. But this I do believe: we should all just stick with our own. Just leave each other alone.
- Juan: You might be right. But we are together now.
- Juan: How are you getting us across?
- Chiago: My tribe has lived right on the border of the U.S. and Mexico for centuries. We were the only people who could legally cross. Then the wall split us. But there are parts of the terrain those pendejos can't build the wall on. Too dangerous. And we use it to make passage. We'll take you through. Some of you deserve another chance.
- Cassidy Tucker: How come you know how to fight like that?
- Adela: I was part of the autodefensas.
- Cassidy Tucker: What?
- Adela: A group of women fighting the cartels. We did damage to them. They forced me and Juan off our land. This is how we got here, to the States.
- [last lines]
- Caleb Tucker: [defiantly] So Stan/Kirk/Chicago From My Family To Yours
- [spits]
- Caleb Tucker: GO FUCK YOURSELF
- Caleb Tucker: [to Stan/Kirk/Chicago rather amused] You're just their lackey... this was cooked up by some rich old white folks who've NEVER BEEN IN A FIST FIGHT IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE