The Ghastlee Movie Show
- TV Series
- 1988–2013
"The Ghastlee Movie Show" is a hosted horror movie show with Bob Hinton as "A. Ghastlee Ghoul" presenting movies on DATV, Time Warner Cable Channel 20, Dayton, Ohio on Friday nights from 198... Read all"The Ghastlee Movie Show" is a hosted horror movie show with Bob Hinton as "A. Ghastlee Ghoul" presenting movies on DATV, Time Warner Cable Channel 20, Dayton, Ohio on Friday nights from 1988-2013."The Ghastlee Movie Show" is a hosted horror movie show with Bob Hinton as "A. Ghastlee Ghoul" presenting movies on DATV, Time Warner Cable Channel 20, Dayton, Ohio on Friday nights from 1988-2013.