Is the alternative title to this diy project of narssissistic unconventional and incoherence at all levels. Its fun to make a movie is the great moto of this film and actor environment in the u.s. Midwest, ive seen many of the faces before, and the acts just as bad as ever. Productionwise its on junior high mediastudent level, bad light, sound, and esp. The editing of the story, combined with a filmographic motion in motion and weird angles, and lots of abandoned retakes to avoid eyes in the camera etc.
But the story is simple, a woman goes to therapy due to her chaotic world in a highway motel, laying on the sofa with a listening quack taking notes, is the contextual hub for the film and story. The main female actor has got some talents to develope from, but falls through due to far too much body and facial movement.
So a load of loose strained skits of bad acting, that combined with lazy direction and empty wallet makes this a film for the bin, or you can do it the alternative way and use the ffwd button at 3.0 or 4.0, then it hits the targets of the genre called comedy, the grumpy old man did, to save some time of my life.