In 1962, Hollywood introduced British spy James Bond who made an iconic name in the action genre, and the legacy of this household action hero continues today through the longest running film franchise In the 1980s, we were introduced to Bruce Willis' John McClane, a New York cop who served justice as he took a dozen of German terrorists at the Nakatomi Plaza one by one, and his astonishing charisma has lead to a spawn of a few sequels. Rosa Coduri as Aureille Flemming (Get it) is what some describe as just a modern day Jane Bond. But with a powerful portrayal by Rosa, she feels more like an original character, a spy agent with a highly trained set of fighting skills in both gun and hand-to- hand combat. In this spy action thriller, Rosa Coduri steps into what is arguably her most charismatic role plays the title character, a secret agent.
Not very many action flicks offer a spectacular mix of tense action and fun like this. From the hyper-kinetic action sequences, to it's slick editing, to the highly compelling plot, to the overall likability of the lead character; this film stops at almost nothing to deliver the strong, visceral experience viewers come to root for. In an age where many films of the action genre struggle to find a solid balance of both action and coherent plot development, this one manages to stand out. The plot moves through the title character's search for bearer bonds (get the Die Hard reference) and the conspiracy that surrounds, and what ensues is a nice array of tension and unpredictable scenes. The fiercest moments show Aureille Flemming engaging in brutal martial arts combat against the baddies, complete with stunning choreography and camera-work that, while a bit shaky, successfully express the intensity of the scenes.
The Irish Connection like its name sake the French Connection is tense, fun and purely entertaining experience for action fans everywhere. This film is easily a household name in Rosa Coduri's career as well as the action genre of the 2000s. For all looking for a great popcorn flick, this one is worth checking out.