Director Fujii tried to bring in as many Japanese essences as possible such as Oni(Japanese Evil), Kimono, bamboo bush, old house, swamp, abandoned railroad, etc.
As he also prioritized the beauty of Japanese cultures and atmosphere, it was not easy to find the best location. It took until last minute before start filming to find the location and receive permission of shooting,
Filming in the wood was brutal. Staffs were working all night long and did not sleep for 96 hours plus 48 hours of non-stop shooting. Plus wrecking cabin and surrounded by thousands of bugs, total 7 days of production was nothing other than Hell. Swamp was almost dried, and climate of November was too cold for staffs to survive with only one stove heater.
The extreme condition, tiredness and hunger even made some staffs insane. Production was about to stop, but they kept running with one common enthusiasm, "We will make the movie that surprise people in the World!"
"We will challenge the World with the new horror movie that we will make"
This was the first call by Director Shugo Fujii and project has started.
Not like other J-Horror that everyone already know, their challenge was to bring American style horror and translate into Japanese style.
To make this new idea into shape, the project has begun in August, 2016.
The Director, Shugo Fujii was highly evaluated by Lloyd Kaufman, the Chairman of Troma Pictures. His style is very unique within Japanese creators.
He has very original focus of suspense and horror to create fiction, with drawing character's mind effectively with high shooting skills.
As he is basically a director of entertainment, he always puts in the hidden themes.
The production was ran by the team CFA(Cinema For Actors).
CFA is the team which actors will also do the production works. Which means all actors are also staffs.
Recently, actors in Japan has very little chances to find it's roll and jobs. To solve this problem and bring their enthusiasms to the work, CFA was set as a team of production.
Not only the acting, but quality of details are all created by ever single members.