2018 Malga Kubiak continued genealogy family research. The turning point was when she saw (on internet) a portrait of count Wincenty Butler 1771-1843 and it was obvious that he resemble of her mother Danka Kubiak 1926-2012 in her last tough years almost one to one. Few weeks later she located a photo of his grandson Vlado Butler 1867-1945, from one photo pic of his head in profile (looking at his blood veins under the skin) she was sure V.B was the writer and needed to talk to her... Few days later she found a photo of Vlado's daughter Marija Butleryte that looked like Malga Kubiak herself at about 12. Soon she found information that V.B was writer. One of team's actors Sasza Ivanov found Butler's texts in PDF, it was google translated... By now Malga Kubiak have a new family in Lithuania and they look quite alike. There are many more links between and around; of course EPOKALIPSA is very personal interpretation and interference with director's late mother mind. EPOKALIPSA uses narrations from Vlado Butler books, and very short of Malga Kubiak's own book OMS.
Lola Moller the assistant of Malga Kubiak within many of her films, also an actress in many of these films contributed very own idea to Epokalipsa movie. Lola Moller is acting Werner Fasbinder and reading from Karl Marx Kapital from chapter 30 about agriculture and industry. It is film in the film, Fasbinder is making a movie within Epokalipsa acting himself and using some of Malga Kubiak characters in Epokalipsa; as Lady Margret Butler and her crew. The scenes are shot at Saro outside Gothenburg. It is possible that Lola Moller shall edit her own movie from the material with Fasbinder.