This is a National Geographic nature show. There are 3 hour long episodes narrated by Patricia Clarkson. The essential aspect is to explain the big global forces driving the planet for its entire life. Ocean Realm deals with the water forces which form the world. It probably has the most new information for me. It deals with ocean currents although I don't always get it. There are takes on the Isthmus of Panama, polar ice cap, and the future continental drift. Born of Fire is about volcano and earthquake and all that stuff. It's child's play and there is nothing new. Destructive Forces deals with erosion and other such forces. This is Nat Geo trying to speed things up and get spicy with quick edits and the fast forward button. The visuals are nothing special. Featured prominently is the Asian tsunami from a couple of years before. There is an idea that nature documentaries are too slow for the ADD generation. I don't believe that or else all those BBC nature docs would all be failures.