Yikes, from reading the first couple of pages of comments on this, I thought I must have had the wrong entry in the IMDb. This new Flash Gordon really isn't so bad, in my opinion.
I guess I can see how die-hard fans of previous incarnations of the characters and story might be sorely disappointed. That happens all too often with any kind of modern-day remake. And I have to concede that this show reminds me a LOT of just about everything else I've seen on SciFi lately (except maybe Battlestar).
But I also thought from all the one star reviews on the first couple of pages here that there must be a lot of lemmings out there. The show isn't particularly great, but the acting really isn't that bad, and unlike some other commentators, I find the whole thing to be plenty cheesy--there's just the right amount of tongue-in-cheek. When I first started seeing previews with the old theme music, I was afraid they were going to try and take themselves too seriously, but I've been pleasantly surprised.
I also like the fact that there are a couple of hot women. :) But I have to say I'm not that impressed with Princess Aura. Then again, like most of the characters on this show, she has kind of grown on me a bit as the character develops.
All in all, this show really isn't too bad. I've been pleasantly surprised.