In the parallel universe, John Smith is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2006. In real life, Smith served as the leader of the Labour Party and the Leader of the Opposition from July 18, 1992 until his death on May 12, 1994 at the age of 55.
In the parallel universe, the United Kingdom is suffering severe drought in 2006, leading the Prime Minister John Smith to declare a state of emergency. There is widespread panic throughout Southeast England and Wales as the reservoirs have been dry for months.
In the parallel universe, the Western world is suffering a fertility crisis in 2006 which is expected to worsen over the course of the next decade.
In the parallel universe, the Berlin Wall did not fall on November 9, 1989 as there was no glasnost and perestroika. The Cold War continued to intensify until the United States and the Soviet Union's power dwindled and both were eclipsed by the People's Republic of China.