Let me ask you one thing: Do you care how this movie was made? I'm not asking because I try to be mean about it, it's just that this low budget movie had a difficult standing all along. But does that or should that change about how you should feel about it?
And let me make one thing clear, I admire the filmmakers, who went out and just did it (no pun intended). It's one thing to talk or criticize movies, it's a different ball game, making one.
Still having said all that (and if you watch the interviews on the DVD you will see, they are likable), that does not change, that the movie never reaches any potential it set out to achieve. I'm not even going to compare it to American Pie or other successful teen comedies (maybe the latter installments of the American Pie series ... they weren't that good either).
One of the main problems are the characters. Not the actors so much mind you, but the characters. There's an introduction scene, where you get to see all of them and you get some info on them. Not memorable at all. You forget about them (and their names), while you watch their intro.
The other thing is, they are not really different. While it might have been a story idea (showing adults behave like their teenage sons and daughters), it does not help the movie be diverse.
Talking about all that, might sound a bit too much and too harsh for a low budget movie like this. But it's many things in-between that are not working here. And it's a shame, because the basic idea is not that bad.