A police officer s killed, apparently by two armed robbers 'of middle Eastern appearance.' Zane Malik uses his connections in the Arab community to track down the two youths involved.
Bad drugs are being sold on the streets of Redfern. Addicts are dying. Local Aboriginal leader and anti drug crusader, Adam King, is trying to get the drugs off the street when he is shot.
Two Lebanese youths and a schoolgirl are killed in a drive-by shooting. Inspector Wright appoints Malik to run the investigation, but this doesn't sit well with Detective Sergeant Crowley...
The brutal slaying of a Vietnamese couple in Cabramatta is carried out amidst the stress of an Internal Affairs investigation. This time it's Malik in the hot seat. Whatever he says to the "toe cutters" will affect Crowley's future too...
In the midst of investigating the murder of a Serbian car salesman, Malik's obsession with the past deepens. Who is John Hunt, and what is his connection with Crowley?