Omg where do I begin.First of all the animation looks like it was done by a high school student on drugs.Nothing in this film looks finished and everything just looks clunky and awkward.Oh and the characters.Every single character in this movie is completely unlikable especially Walt who by the way is supposed to be cute.He's disrespectful,selfish,stupid,a horrible liar,lazy and we're supposed to find him adorable but really we just wanna punch him in his poorly rendered face.All the other characters suck too.His mom for example just lets Walt leave his home possibly forever without even thinking about it.Worst.Parent.Ever and the spiders are meant to be like his moral teachers but they treat everyone around them horribly even Walt.Also there's so many weird things in this movie you'll wonder if the people who made this were on drugs.For example when Walt and his unlikable friends decide to spend the night in a motel room owned by aliens the mother alien tells them not to turn on the T.V,the snake turns it on anyway and it turns into a monster and tries to eat them.Yeah you just read that right.Also the plot is stupid too.A snake takes Walt to Viperwood and tries to make him a star.After it's been clearly shown that the snake is a bad person Walt decides to stick with him anyway because he's so desperate for fame.This is meant to be our protagonist people.By the end of the film we found out the only reason he wanted Walt was because he wanted to slaughter him and make sausages out of him.Why didn't he just bring him to the slaughter house in the first place then?This movie tries to teach kids not to lie but the moral is executed so badly it will just confuse them.Overall that's all I think I need to say about this miserable piece of filth but I don't want to keep you reading too long.This really is the worst animated film I have ever seen,hands down no comparison, and I beg you not to watch it because I really don't want you to waste your time