26 reviews
- TheHrunting
- Jul 4, 2011
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This is actually a pretty decent movie. The writing is a bit weird, but the story is compelling and you really get involved with the characters after a while. This is more of a thinker, not an action-filled CGI-flick, but somehow it has its' own tension and several exciting moments. I've never been a Nick Stahl fan, but he does an okay job in this (even though he's a bit monotonous). It wouldn't've been the same without Mia Maestro though. She does great, and whatever weirdness is portrayed is only due to the script. Good flick.
The concept could've been way more evolved, and with a super-budget and a different lead role, it could've been a blockbuster. The editing is at times awkward, and some scenes feel unfinished, but the main story is kinda cool. It leaves you with a weird feeling, mostly in a good way. If you've got nothing better to watch, and enjoy some semi-mindplay by mediocre actors (except Mia), it's worth a shot.
The concept could've been way more evolved, and with a super-budget and a different lead role, it could've been a blockbuster. The editing is at times awkward, and some scenes feel unfinished, but the main story is kinda cool. It leaves you with a weird feeling, mostly in a good way. If you've got nothing better to watch, and enjoy some semi-mindplay by mediocre actors (except Mia), it's worth a shot.
- thomas-lyngstad
- Oct 27, 2013
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Decent Indie film, liked the story alot, acting was adequate but execution left a tad to be desired. But overall it held my interest and I became invested in the story and was able to overlook faults.
- grfulnfree-72649
- Oct 24, 2019
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- movieman_kev
- Jul 21, 2012
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Great concept, long tedious scenes, could have been a good 1 hour television show. A lot of time is devoted to actors walking about, with tortured expressions. The location shooting in Uruguay seems to be totally irrelevant to the story, they should have saved that budget, for better writing. While on the plus side it does feature a pretty girl, most of the characters are flat, the bad guys are not intimidating, in fact most of them just look constipated. The special effects, look like they were done on my laptop. I am sure the actors were disappointed with the end result, and that Wallace Shawn probably thought it was "Inconceivable" that it would turn out to be such a stinker. You will want the 2 hours of your life back, by the time it is over.
- jvirgin-254-504772
- Dec 31, 2011
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When I read the synopsis while scrolling through Amazon Prime Video, I said "This is just like that book that I keep in my nightstand". I've had this book for years and pull it out occasionally for a re-read.
I'm really surprised and disappointed that nothing anywhere says it's based on a book. Whole lines are taken directly from the book.
The movie wasn't a bad adaptation - as soon as it started I could remember the whole plot of the book. The special effects were pretty hokey, though.
I'm really surprised and disappointed that nothing anywhere says it's based on a book. Whole lines are taken directly from the book.
The movie wasn't a bad adaptation - as soon as it started I could remember the whole plot of the book. The special effects were pretty hokey, though.
- rmax304823
- Nov 19, 2011
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Awful casting. When are directors gonna realize that Nick Stahl is not leading man material. I'm sorry if you ever read this nick, but your face looks like you are a very pale, sick, and overgrown little boy. A very wise woman said to me that "If you do not like the book after twenty pages, don't read it". In movies it is even easier, as you'll almost immediately feel that you are in skilled hands, or not. Don't waste your time on this less than adequate experiment, where everything except the idea, is a bad one. And another thing. You do not need ten lines. To warn other friendly humans. To stay away. We should just be able to write: Warning, Nick in leading role! Warning, looks like a dream sequence from an 80's movie. Warning, a writer who takes him/herself and life, way to seriously.
I really like this film. It is a very small budget, with no large celebrity stars. However, it is so much better than the Mega budget star loaded Marvel kiddie universe "Avengers" films, with big celebrity stars, for example: Scarlett Johansson as "Black Widow", Hugh Jackman as "Wolverine", ad infinitum. They are shallow films with "super powered stars"; geared for the just reaching puberty crowd That is a tremedous money trough for all the producers at Marvel, & whichever studios they partner with. Unfortunately, they are all formulaic, with a single large antagonist against all the "Avenger Team", which has had about 20 different actors in the same or similar roles. Enough about that. This film has depth, with a well thought out plot. All made with a tiny amount of money, & 3 very ralented actors; even if they aren't chased by paparazzi everywhere. I am so sick of the entire comic book medium. It has ruined the quality of great films. This was much better than I thought it would be. Nick Stahl, Taryn Manning and Wallace Shaw are all very good in their parts. A must see. Forget "Batman" "Spiderman", & "Whatever" Man movies: they're boring pablum for the masses.
- Easygoer10
- Jun 4, 2019
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SCOPERS is a little independent production about a guy either blessed or cursed - depending on which way you look at it - with telepathic ability, a gift which leads to him working for the US government on various national defence missions. However, tiring of his ability, he utilises the aid of a friend to try to find a 'cure' for his condition.
I watched this film on the strength of the all-action cover, which described the movie as "Inception meets X-Men". That's a lie if ever I saw one and anyone who believes such a thing should ask for their money back. Because this is a no budget film which mainly consists of a couple of characters talking in a room and the occasional green screen effects which are very poor. SCOPERS managed to bring in a couple of semi-famous actors in the form of Nick Stahl and Taryn Manning but neither of them make much of an effort and who can blame them? This film's a real bore with a plot line that goes nowhere.
I watched this film on the strength of the all-action cover, which described the movie as "Inception meets X-Men". That's a lie if ever I saw one and anyone who believes such a thing should ask for their money back. Because this is a no budget film which mainly consists of a couple of characters talking in a room and the occasional green screen effects which are very poor. SCOPERS managed to bring in a couple of semi-famous actors in the form of Nick Stahl and Taryn Manning but neither of them make much of an effort and who can blame them? This film's a real bore with a plot line that goes nowhere.
- Leofwine_draca
- Sep 2, 2016
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Previous reviewers panned this story. I enjoyed it. I thought the leads did a good job, especially Mia M. I thought she was a knockout for her interesting role as the hombre who breaks up the psychic cartel of the NSA. I also like the idea of someone breaking ups the NSA too, if you know what I mean. The script isn't that bad, as you can see from the "did you know" quotes at this site. Budget? I thought it's low key accentuated the interpersonal. It is essentially a romantic movie. It is interesting that most of the romantic action occurred in the head rather than between naked bodies, although that might have been nice too. Yah, maybe it will be big budget someday with Keneau R., but science fiction is all about suspending your doubts and playing along. For me, I enjoyed playing along. I thought the end was a nice surprise also. It was worth the time on Netflix free play.
- shivajimji
- Jul 20, 2012
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A group of telepaths called Scopers have power but it comes with a fairly short lifespan. No one lives past 29.
On a mission for the NSA, Joshua encounters another Scoper, unknown to the NSA. This leads to a change for Joshua and down a new path.
We eventually learn the cause of the early deaths but I figured it out pretty early on in the movie. It made sense.
The wrap up was nice but a little too "happily ever after".
On a mission for the NSA, Joshua encounters another Scoper, unknown to the NSA. This leads to a change for Joshua and down a new path.
We eventually learn the cause of the early deaths but I figured it out pretty early on in the movie. It made sense.
The wrap up was nice but a little too "happily ever after".
- danieljmcewen
- Mar 27, 2021
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As another reviewer has said, this is very obviously based on a book called The Sensitives by Herbert Burkholz, despite not a word saying so anywhere in the credits.
It's a mediocre adaptation with rather wooden acting, enjoyable enough but not at all as complex or interesting as the book.
The book I enjoyed very much, bought it in 1988 when it was released. I've always wanted to see it made into a film - but one worthy of it.
It's a mediocre adaptation with rather wooden acting, enjoyable enough but not at all as complex or interesting as the book.
The book I enjoyed very much, bought it in 1988 when it was released. I've always wanted to see it made into a film - but one worthy of it.
- alison1963
- May 29, 2020
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I have followed this writer and director and he reminded me of Ed Wood. Quite creative and almost ridiculous plots mixed up with a director's cut where things can change magically with distorted almost funny and confusing logic (if there is any). So, if you watch this movie and also the other ones from the same writer/director you will find things that are quite funny if you take these movies as made by a contemporary Ed Wood. The funny thing as it happened with Ed Wood, is that they are done with the intention of doing art cinema though the result is absurd and makes you laugh. Doing this in a delicate balance with no intention of being funny having the opposite result is not for anyone...that is why I give it an 8!!
- ferreiragon
- Nov 23, 2011
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I really wanted to like this movie. But by the end, I wasn't even sure it was a movie. I think they wanted to launch a TV series and this was the beginning of it, but it never got funded so they tried to edit it into a movie. But they never filmed the actual ending so they had to make up some stupid ending. And Wallace Shawn. He is so good in everything I've seen him in... except for this. In this, he is terrible. How?
- pjpolliwog
- Feb 11, 2022
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Nice storyline and interesting movie. If this would have been higher budget it would have been executed better.
Such stilted acting by the entire cast seemed purposed for an effect which didn't work. Instead of portraying a shared cult-like conspiracy mentality, which is perhaps what was intended, the characters all came across as really dull, dry and dumb. The smugness of the lead "scoper" is nearly unbearable. The utterly cheesy special effects didn't help. The interesting premise barely makes it watchable, and never goes anywhere except to a silly end. There is a raw butt shot of a perky chick to rewind as the highlight of the film.
This movie looks like a high school film student made it. There are times the music intensifies and a dramatic scene is about to begin, but on screen it's just people walking, riding in a car, get in another car, and walking again. The special effects are something you could make on your computer right now even if you had minimal knowledge of how to do so. While not having any big name actors there are several, even in minor roles that you would recognize. The only thing I can think of is that the entire budget went into hiring the actors, but even then it feels like they mailed it in. Could have been at least 30mins shorter if they cut out those intense riding in cars and walking scenes.
Once in a great while a science fiction film will make you think. Bladerunner wasone. But they spent millions making it. Speed of Thought does it on asmall budget. There's little action but lots of talking. Many reviewers down grade it for that. However, I rate it along side another great all-talk film, Creation of the Humanoids. It gets the same poor reviews by some but many rate it 8-10 stars. Forget running gun battles. Listen to the philosophy. Examine the wonderful plot. Think of the implications. Think.
The leads are adequate but veterans Blair Brown and Wallace Shawn ground the film in reality. The way the telepathy is imagined on film is the best concept I've seen. This is how you make a good film on a small budget.
The leads are adequate but veterans Blair Brown and Wallace Shawn ground the film in reality. The way the telepathy is imagined on film is the best concept I've seen. This is how you make a good film on a small budget.
- westerfield
- Jan 12, 2012
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I've certainly seen much better movies about Telepathy. The low budget, poorly scripted thing wasn't that great. There just didn't seem like there was a lot of material to work with here. The best part of the movie was a glimpse of a really nice behind near the beginning. That was about it. 3/10.
- wandernn1-81-683274
- Mar 5, 2022
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Imagine Charles Xavier from X-Men with the evil streak of Magneto. Put this person into a home for special children and have him train children to be government spies and you have the right ingredients for what will eventually become the mind's resolve to right a terrible injustice. Special abilities meet government mishandling and it's only when the hero meets and falls for the woman of his dreams that he is able to bring the pain and needless killing of the innocents to an end. So is it possible there are gifted individuals out there with the ability to read our minds? The naysayers will call it a trumped up wishy-washy idea at best, but heaven help us all if it were so and the government gets control of them. An excellent movie if you're into a little bit of fantasy/science fiction...assuming of course that it is...
- almapascoe
- Jun 18, 2011
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Great movie! Very effective on how brainwashing works via nefarious spooks in ANY government on those very, very gifted kids...or as great sci fi author/researcher Brad Steiger would suggest: Star Childsâš¡
However Russell Targ has suggested in his banned Ted talk....u can do this, too, with proper training perhaps!🌈💤
However Russell Targ has suggested in his banned Ted talk....u can do this, too, with proper training perhaps!🌈💤
- rothleland
- Dec 31, 2019
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Joshua Lazarus (Nick Stahl), appropriately named, can read minds. However, there is a downside as he will also die or go insane by the age of 29. On a mission to help the NSA, he finds that his fate may not be what he was told. He finds love and will attempt to escape from his life as a spy and possibly his imminent death. But how can he trust and what secrets do they hold. Is it always the last person you would guess or will this story be different?
There is nothing new or earthshaking about the story. But it is the stories we know that we like to see retold. You will want to see how it is played out and have fun kibitzing. However, it is not as much fluff as you would think as you realize the choices Lazarus faces, we face each day. What choice do you make?
The presentation is well done without a hint that this is an independent film.
There is nothing new or earthshaking about the story. But it is the stories we know that we like to see retold. You will want to see how it is played out and have fun kibitzing. However, it is not as much fluff as you would think as you realize the choices Lazarus faces, we face each day. What choice do you make?
The presentation is well done without a hint that this is an independent film.
- Bernie4444
- Apr 10, 2024
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- programskinalog
- Jul 8, 2019
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