Godavari is the movie directed by the famous Telugu movie director Shekhar Kammula.The movie has been mostly shot on a boat that travels between Rajahmundry and badrachalam
on Godavari river and scenes are natural,the whole scenes are mesmerizing.you can have laugh whenever the animated dog speaks .
Godavari has been shot not in dandakranyam.but on the river.characters mostly resemble of those in everyday life .
The plot is love between an egoist lady and smooth ,humanitarian .The woman presents herself an individual and disrespectful when one condemns her.is this ego ?yet the character is beautiful ly carved.the protagonist is ever helpful and always indulging wants to marry his relative but refused by the father of the girl due to his volatile behaviour.
Though sumanth character is a smooth ,helping individual,he played superbly as it suited him.
The second half of movie is dragged and hurried .if some more picturesque scenes are added,it would have been a great pick