in an attempt to not slam any other artist's work by being meanspirited, i'll "shortcut" this review in order to keep suit with the film. in it's original language, this is a botched effort to make a scary/gory/exploitation movie. Why? For one, most of the killings (while brutal in nature) have little to no actual gore because the camera pans away to something else so we are staring at boring shots of walls listening to odd dark euro house/poptrance song that's actually the HIGHLIGHT of this film. The lyrics to the song are in English, very repetitive, and if you contrast them in comparison to what's actually occurring in this movie you can't help but wonder if this was in an attempt to foreshadow/be ironic or if the person who produced the song just happen to write lyrics that shamelessly nod to the plot.
About the plot, it's there. It's not pretty, though. The leading actress is not an attractive woman, she is not aesthetically pleasing or remotely likable, and you probably won't care what happens to her - or be even remotely surprised by any part of this movie unless you're a complete newbie to the horror genre. And if you are, please pass this up for one of the many other Tremendous independent/low budget euro films from the past decade(s) that exist. This one weighs the genre down in comparison.